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PostPosted: December 12th, 2021, 4:36 pm |
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Doberman |
Joined: August 25th, 2007, 6:20 am Posts: 141
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If I had the money Fritz, I'd get you one. I could just barely afford one as it is. I really wish they do another pack at some point so everybody who missed out on this one gets another chance at it.
_________________ Wow, it's all nice and shiny.
I haz deviantArt.
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PostPosted: December 12th, 2021, 5:13 pm |
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Quote: If I had the money Fritz, I'd get you one. I could just barely afford one as it is. I really wish they do another pack at some point so everybody who missed out on this one gets another chance at it.
I do dearly appreciate the thought.
Yeah, we'll see. Maybe I'll win the Power Ball and be able to pay the scalper prices later.
But as I said earlier, I do have a Spirit pack, so I'm not completely deprived.
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PostPosted: December 12th, 2021, 5:40 pm |
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Doberman |
Joined: August 25th, 2007, 6:20 am Posts: 141
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Yeah, the Spirit pack is pretty good for having a mostly accurate pack. It was my first official pack as well. I'd built a pack when I was much younger using a six-wheeled toy vehicle, two belts, some duct tape, and one of those brightly colored plastic toy fishing rods as the wand. It got the point across, even if it wasn't very accurate to either the movie or RGB. It was the perfect size for me at the time and I loved it. I don't even know if there are any pics of the thing anywhere at my parents place or not. And before you ask, my parents never got me any RGB roleplay toys or action figures. The only thing I ever got from the roleplay line was a trap that had a door busted off from a yard sale a few years after they'd stopped selling RGB stuff.
_________________ Wow, it's all nice and shiny.
I haz deviantArt.
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PostPosted: December 12th, 2021, 6:04 pm |
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Quote: And before you ask, my parents never got me any RGB roleplay toys or action figures. The only thing I ever got from the roleplay line was a trap that had a door busted off from a yard sale a few years after they'd stopped selling RGB stuff.
I bought a trap when it came out, about the summer of 1989, but never had the pack--I did get the PKE Meter at a flea market sometime in the mid '90's, though one of the arms had been broken off.
Again, I'm not totally deprived: I got a Matty PKE Meter from someone for helping out on their web site, and more recently I got one of the Spirit(?) reissues. It was in a Target and a lot cheaper, plus it had a belt hook to boot. I got one of the traps that Walmart was carrying about a year ago, again, I think a Spirit reissue/reworking. There were $10 ectogoggles at Target around Halloween time, but when I went back to get one they were, of course, sold out.
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PostPosted: December 12th, 2021, 7:42 pm |
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Doberman |
Joined: August 25th, 2007, 6:20 am Posts: 141
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Like I said over on my Costume thread, I have all of the Spirit gear and the Wal-Mart trap that is a re-tool of the Spirit trap, just because the company that makes the Wal-Mart trap is owned by the same company that produces the trap for Spirit, just a different cover for the handle and a motorized mechanism for the doors. I've seen Youtube vids where people have taken apart the Spirit traps and the same gearing for those traps are in the Wal-Mart traps, just with more gears and an electric motor attached. The only thing I can say about the Ecto-Goggles is that I could've waited to get the cheaper ones that came out this year, just because the Spirit ones need batteries to light up 1 light in the right-hand tube that is supposed to simulate the fact that it was once a pair of night-vision goggles. I could've done without that honestly. They look good for the most part, they need better cushioning around where it contacts your face though, just because it's not thick enough and the goggles leave an imprint where they hug your face.
_________________ Wow, it's all nice and shiny.
I haz deviantArt.
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PostPosted: February 1st, 2022, 5:41 pm |
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The Fright Features figures of the "Zoomer Ghostbusters" are starting to appear in the wild--I just snagged a set from a (relatively) nearby Walmart.
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PostPosted: February 4th, 2022, 10:51 am |
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So my friend who used to work for Hasbro let me know about this:
https://hasbropulse.com/products/ghostb ... collection
Quote: The four horsemen of the apocalypse? Kind of… Only they aren’t here to bring about the apocalypse—they’re here to stop it! We’ve crossed streams with Mego Corporation, creators of a classic action figure style featuring soft goods costume pieces, to bring these classic Ghostbusters characters into the fun, Mego style for the first time ever, with the same premium details Ghostbusters fans are looking to trap! Featuring detailed head sculpts for realistic likenesses and movie-inspired accessories, including 4 Proton Packs with Neutrona Wands, 4 Ghost Traps, a P.K.E. Meter, and even Ray Stantz’s iconic Ecto Goggles, this Hasbro Pulse x Mego Ghostbusters 4-pack is coming to save the world!
Includes: 4 figures and 10 accessories.
Iconic Ghostbusters characters in a nostalgic, 8-inch-scale Mego style
Premium Hasbro attention to detail
Detailed head sculpts and paint hits honor the OG busters
Removeable soft-goods costume pieces with character-inspired detailing
Character-inspired ghost bustin’ gear accessories
Highly poseable for play or display… your way
Collectible packaging inspired by the classic 1984 Ghostbusters movie
I'm...thinking about it. As someone who was old enough to have had Megos back in the day, I was one of the few Ghostheads not upset by Mattel's Mego-esque Retro Action Real Ghostbusters.
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PostPosted: February 4th, 2022, 6:59 pm |
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Doberman |
Joined: August 25th, 2007, 6:20 am Posts: 141
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If they keep offering them until after I get a job, then I'd get them. As it is, I've put so much towards my props and suit that I'm afraid I may have to find one in the next couple of months, or even sooner. That being said, the only thing I can say about the figures is that they don't have elbow pads, they have bands that suggest they have elbow pads, but not the pads themselves. Kinda sad that they don't even have a small piece of fabric that has a printed pic of a pad there. I honestly wasn't even around when Mego was big, so I have no reference for how accurate their stuff is.
_________________ Wow, it's all nice and shiny.
I haz deviantArt.
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jason knetge
PostPosted: February 5th, 2022, 2:23 am |
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Joined: August 24th, 2007, 2:20 pm Posts: 814
I'm...thinking about it. As someone who was old enough to have had Megos back in the day, I was one of the few Ghostheads not upset by Mattel's Mego-esque Retro Action Real Ghostbusters.
I'm a little upset. I didn't have a job at the time so money was tight. i tried to get as many as I could, sadly winston is the one that got away.
pleas parden my speling but I'm a littel dislexik and can't tipe whel
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PostPosted: February 5th, 2022, 3:20 pm |
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Quote: Quote:
I'm...thinking about it. As someone who was old enough to have had Megos back in the day, I was one of the few Ghostheads not upset by Mattel's Mego-esque Retro Action Real Ghostbusters.
I'm a little upset. I didn't have a job at the time so money was tight. i tried to get as many as I could, sadly winston is the one that got away.
I just made the mistake of checking Ebay. Yikes. No separate Winstons at all--the only ones I saw were in lots of the whole team. And the cheapest one of those is taking bids at $200+
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PostPosted: February 8th, 2022, 9:26 am |
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So first of all, let's take a closer look at the Fright Features 2021 figures of the original Ghostbusters:
I put some little rubber bands on the proton throwers to get them to aim them a little more like the old figures; the FF21 proton packs are a lot more accurate than the old RGB figure ones, but with no wrist or elbow articulation, getting them to "aim" naturally is impossible.
While we're at it, how do they compare to the RGB repops Hasbro did in 2020?

"Wow! This is like an old issue of Justice League of America!!!"
One big difference--the four FF21 figures all have the exact same bodies. RGB Ray is a noticeable bit shorter than FF21 Ray.

"Honestly? This isn't even on the top ten weiredest things that've happened to me in this job"
One other thing the RGB Series 1 and the FF21 proton packs have in common: they work better with the neutrona wands mounted upside down. You have to with the RGB figures (unless you cut the beams off) while the rubbery stuff the 21 packs are made out of is too stiff to really want to bend the "right" way.

'You still don't look anything like me."

"Wait what?! You had a child with someone who wasn't Janine?!"
Egon's the only one who's about the same height.
And for a bonus extra, here's FF21 Egon, RGB20 Egon, with my OG RGB Series 1 Egon from 1986, along with a set of PKE Meters (and 86 Egon's Proton Pack) from an Ebay vendor:
And another bonus: FF21 Egon with the Power Pack Egon I repainted to have the movie colors:
The 86, 20, and 21 proton packs are basically not compatible. The 20 figures have the smallest peg holes, followed by the 21s, with the 86 being the biggest...which actually means that with a little ingenuity, say one of those tiny rubber bands I mentioned earlier...
Now we almost have Ectozone Egon!!!
Anyway, you're probably here for the Afterlife kids, so here they are:
I think it's hilarious how Trevor's ghost looks kind of like an ugly Chikorita.
Podcast gets a smaller version of the Bug Eye Ghost.
Lucky Domingo.
And Phoebe and Muncher.

Group shot.
Hey look! A Phoebe and Egon that didn't cost $100!!!
So I had to have a little fun with my photoshop program:
The exciting and tear-jerking conclusion of Ghostbusters: Afterlife

"Wait...you're my subscriber?!"
As you can see, the GBA kids get different bodies in addition to more paint applications--the exception being Trevor, who appears to reuse the same body as the OGBs. Someone more daring than I am could probably take a Trevor and a Venkman, boil and pop their legs off, and make a more accurate Venkman with untucked pants that way.
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PostPosted: April 25th, 2022, 12:37 pm |
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Huh. Was just at the Avon Walmart and they have a couple of Retro RGB ECTO-1s on the shelf. It had a shelf tag and everything, which leads me against it just being a bit of backstock. I don't think I'd ever actually seen the Retro ECTO-1s "in the wild" before now.
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jason knetge
PostPosted: May 1st, 2022, 3:36 am |
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Quote: Huh. Was just at the Avon Walmart and they have a couple of Retro RGB ECTO-1s on the shelf. It had a shelf tag and everything, which leads me against it just being a bit of backstock. I don't think I'd ever actually seen the Retro ECTO-1s "in the wild" before now.
I have not seen any at my walmarts. i had to preorder them back when they were first coming out.
Sadly it seems none of the Walmarts by me have any of the retro stuff. ghostbusters or TMNT. its been a real bummer for toy hunting.
pleas parden my speling but I'm a littel dislexik and can't tipe whel
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PostPosted: May 2nd, 2022, 5:47 pm |
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Quote: I have not seen any at my walmarts. i had to preorder them back when they were first coming out.
Sadly it seems none of the Walmarts by me have any of the retro stuff. ghostbusters or TMNT. its been a real bummer for toy hunting.
The ones around here still have a few of the AFterlife toys; some Afterlife ECTO-1s and Neutrona Wands. I thought it was odd that there was a shelf tag; otherwise I would've figured it was something they dug out of the stockroom or something.
That may still be the case, of course.
I didn't get the repop of the ECTO-1 because I still have the one I bought in 1988 or so still in good shape (as well as the ECTO-1A I bought the next year).
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PostPosted: May 11th, 2022, 6:01 pm |
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It's definitely a "thing" to some degree--I was at a different Walmart today (the one in Plainfield) and they also had a Kenner ECTO-1 (along with one Afterlife ECTO-1).
Too bad my Hasbro friend quit right after the holidays--I'd ask him if he knew what was up with it. 
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