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PostPosted: October 10th, 2014, 5:26 pm 
I Have No Life
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So, apparently there may be a 3rd Ghostbusters film with an all-female cast. Any thoughts?

First, I wonder whether this is the reason why the ongoing was cancelled. If not, then I wonder if it was a bad move by IDW in pulling the ongoing when they did, because Erik Burnham seemed to want a GB3 to happen to increase comic sales. The IDW TMNT ongoing continued while the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie was being made and released, so I wonder why the GB comics were cancelled. It also makes me wonder about the canonical restrictions with the IDW ongoing. If GB3 is an entirely new female cast, making it an 'alternate universe' version of GB, then why were Sony apparently being so strict about what IDW could do with Egon and Janine?

To be honest, from what I've read and heard about it, it seems as if there'll be very few references to the first film, so with that in mind I'm wondering why bother at all. They can make any other ghost-related movie, they don't have to call it Ghostbusters 3. I also wonder what they might change - are we still going to see the same equipment and vehicles, will it be set in New York, will the HQ be the iconic firehouse, will they even have a HQ? So far, a lot of unknowns. The one thing that pleases me about losing the established continuity is that there'll be no Egon and Janine (or Louis, either). After the events of GB2 I wouldn't have trusted a canonical GB3 to have kept Egon and Janine together, so at least this way we can still have some hope for them. 8-)

The only thing we do know, is that if it happens it'll be an all-female cast, which I think is pretty fantastic. However, I'm actually astounded at the number of fans who are completely against the film; not because of the quality of the script, or because it is not going to reference the first film, or about the acting talent, but simply because there will be an all-female cast. We're back at the 'all girls have cooties' stage. Some guys really can't deal with the concept. 

Ghostbusting has never been gender-specific, so there's absolutely no reason why there couldn't be an all-female cast. Besides, there has been female ghostbusters in canon already, so where's the problem, guys? IDW already has a whole team of female ghostbusters, and if Janine and Kylie can bust ghosts, then what's wrong with other women doing it? Maybe we'll be seeing live action versions of the IDW female ghostbusters? That would be fantastic!

Some idiot on GBFans wrote:
Seriously, how many women action figures are sold out there? Merchandising is one of the reasons they do films and reboots... Ghostbusters have a vibe with children and a all women picture doesn't.

One of the biggest box office hits recently was the movie Frozen. A children's film; the main protagonists were female, the plot was about the love between two sisters, and the film was enjoyed by children of both genders. Last Christmas, the toy figures of the main two female characters Elsa and Anna sold out completely. 

What's the next excuse? Women don't watch movies? Among the few successful big budget summer superhero films was Guardians of the Galaxy, which took $94 million in its opening weekend at the start of August mainly thanks to its popularity with women. Lucy, starring Scarlett Johansson, trounced its rival Hercules, starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, when they opened in the same week, and 50 per cent of the audience for Lucy was female. 

Hollywood wants to make money. It's losing money with big-budget male-led movies, and is therefore turning to female-led movies, which apparently are bringing in more revenue. This is the reason we are seeing female-led movies - not because of feminism, but because it's more likely to make money that way. Ghostbusters is no exception. 

Let's not forget the best protagonist in sci-fi was a woman. Ellen Ripley. Played by Sigourney Weaver. 

So, can we please move along from the argument about an all-women cast, please? Otherwise, people are gonna think this fandom is full of sexist idiots, and that's likely to do more damage than any failed third movie ever will.

For the people who want a Ghostbusters 3 with the original cast, I think that ship has well and truly sailed. We may see a couple of cameos, but Murray will never do a full film, Ramis has sadly passed on, leaving just Aykroyd and Hudson neither of whom has the box office pulling power that Murray has. I think a reboot is the only way we are going to see any future ghostbuster films, but I'm not complaining. Ghostbusters will be all over the place if this gets made, and I can only imagine that this will be great for a new generation, and for them in turn to take an interest in the older generation films, comics and cartoons. 8-)

"Welcome to Britain. We have prevailing south-westerly winds and 52% of our days are overcast so as a nation we are infused with a subtle melancholy -- leading to eccentricity, binge drinking and casual violence." - Bill Bailey.

PostPosted: October 10th, 2014, 6:09 pm 
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nikki wrote:
So, apparently there may be a 3rd Ghostbusters film with an all-female cast. Any thoughts?

First, I wonder whether this is the reason why the ongoing was cancelled. If not, then I wonder if it was a bad move by IDW in pulling the ongoing when they did, because Erik Burnham seemed to want a GB3 to happen to increase comic sales. The IDW TMNT ongoing continued while the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie was being made and released, so I wonder why the GB comics were cancelled. It also makes me wonder about the canonical restrictions with the IDW ongoing. If GB3 is an entirely new female cast, making it an 'alternate universe' version of GB, then why were Sony apparently being so strict about what IDW could do with Egon and Janine?

To be honest, from what I've read and heard about it, it seems as if there'll be very few references to the first film, so with that in mind I'm wondering why bother at all. They can make any other ghost-related movie, they don't have to call it Ghostbusters 3. I also wonder what they might change - are we still going to see the same equipment and vehicles, will it be set in New York, will the HQ be the iconic firehouse, will they even have a HQ? So far, a lot of unknowns. The one thing that pleases me about losing the established continuity is that there'll be no Egon and Janine (or Louis, either). After the events of GB2 I wouldn't have trusted a canonical GB3 to have kept Egon and Janine together, so at least this way we can still have some hope for them. 8-)

I dunno. It does seem suspicious timing. Maybe one side or another wants some renegotiation with this new information, maybe it has nothing to do with it.

But yeah, the thought that, in the end, turning the movies over to a completely different timeline with completely different characters could end up being a good thing for the characters we care about. I warmed up to the "alternate universe" idea a lot quicker than I expected to for just that reason: if NuGB sucks ass, it doesn't affect the characters I love one bit. And if it's good, it still doesn't affect the characters I love one bit.

Kind of like JJ Abrams' shitty Star Trek movies. I know, there are lots of people that enjoyed them, and they made assloads of money, but I could barely make it through XI and quit halfway through XII it was getting so stupid. But other than Spock and the planet Romulus, nothing in them affects the real Star Trek universe, the one with Picard and Q and a James T. Kirk who actually earned his captain's chair instead of getting it handed to him straight out of Star Fleet Academy, at all.

I guess we'll see.

The only thing we do know, is that if it happens it'll be an all-female cast, which I think is pretty fantastic. However, I'm actually astounded at the number of fans who are completely against the film; not because of the quality of the script, or because it is not going to reference the first film, or about the acting talent, but simply because there will be an all-female cast. We're back at the 'all girls have cooties' stage. Some guys really can't deal with the concept.

I'm not even religious, and some of the comments over there have had me going "Jesus Christ what's wrong with you!? It's 2014!!!" The first time the Feig and female cast rumors came out I came just this close to quitting GBFans because of the dudebro whining. I half expect some of those guys to start adding fedoras to their uniforms. I don't really want to turn this into a "hate on GBFans fest", though--there were also a number of posters expertly rebutting the "No gurls in muh gostbustres" stuff, for example.

(My brother Ogre just reminded me that a team of "all-female ghostbusters" has been done, in Japan, and it was really popular. It was called Silent Mobius by Kia Asamiya...and it was pretty good, at least what I saw of it)


PostPosted: October 12th, 2014, 10:13 am 
I Have No Life
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Fritz wrote:
I dunno. It does seem suspicious timing. Maybe one side or another wants some renegotiation with this new information, maybe it has nothing to do with it.

Yeah, I did wonder. It'll be very, very interesting to see where IDW will go after this if they get permission for a volume three. If I were them, I'd want to capitalise on this film as soon as I could, and get some issues out while the interest was red hot, even if they were just mini-issues. If this film does get made, then we'll be seeing wall-to-wall ghostbusters in a few years the likes of which we haven't seen since GB2 came out. It would be fantastic if the comics were around to soak up some of that renewed interest, and to remind people where it all began.
Fritz wrote:
I don't really want to turn this into a "hate on GBFans fest", though--there were also a number of posters expertly rebutting the "No gurls in muh gostbustres" stuff, for example.

I used the quote from someone on GBFans because that is the biggest GB site on the net, but I've seen the same sentiment on the official Ghostbusters facebook page. I've also seen the same response from some fans on other websites unrelated to Ghostbusters. There's already talk of starting a petition against the film, plus the recent comments from Ernie Hudson, and it's just disheartening... I dunno, as a female fan who has loved the GBs for 30 years, who used to run around as a kid pretending to bust ghosts with just a backpack and a black painted cardboard tube, and who has two little nieces who I know would love to do the same, that kind of horrified reaction to the concept is pretty disappointing. The number of comments I've read starting 'I'm not a sexist person but...', and then begins a whole diatribe about how an all-female team would be a completely terrible idea. I just wonder if any of these so-called fans have bothered to read the comics, because there were plenty of female ghostbusters in there, and they didn't cause any problems.

They call it a 'gimmick' - reducing people of my gender to a cheap ploy to bring in numbers rather than a novel idea to move the franchise forward instead of keeping it chained to the whims of Bill Murray. The original films, cartoons, and the comics will remain timeless and pristine. It won't touch them, sully them, or demean them in any way at all. Our memories of ghostbusters will be of young men and their young secretary in the 1980s/90s, and not aging old guys with hip problems, liver spots and wrinkles. Their stories can end how we want them to end, and not how Sony dictates they will end. The original films will forever stand on their own, regardless of any up and coming reboot. The reboot might encourage more people to want to see the original, might bring more fans to ghostbusters, which might in turn mean that we'll get more opportunities for the original franchise. It'll certainly bring more awareness of ghostbusters, that's for sure. I don't quite understand why people think this film will destroy ghostbusters. After all, GB2 wasn't exactly a roaring success and yet we're still here. I was one of the people hugely disappointed with the events of the second film and I'd rather it hadn't been made at all, but I didn't storm away in a huff and decide that ghostbusters was ruined beyond repair. I'm still here. I still love ghostbusters. And yet I'm one of those 'silly girls' who apparently don't belong anymore. :(

I know that it's not all male GB fans who feel that way which is why I wrote 'some' guys, and thankfully there are some really great positive comments out there (although unfortunately a small minority). It's great that there are men who have taken your stance on the subject, and hopefully when the initial fuss has died down those other guys might in time warm to the idea. Maybe when we get more information things might cool down on the anti all-female GB front. Or maybe not, but here's hoping! :lol:

Fritz wrote:
(My brother Ogre just reminded me that a team of "all-female ghostbusters" has been done, in Japan, and it was really popular. It was called Silent Mobius by Kia Asamiya...and it was pretty good, at least what I saw of it)

Hmm, that might be worth checking out. Thanks for the rec. 8-)

"Welcome to Britain. We have prevailing south-westerly winds and 52% of our days are overcast so as a nation we are infused with a subtle melancholy -- leading to eccentricity, binge drinking and casual violence." - Bill Bailey.

PostPosted: October 14th, 2014, 11:06 am 
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I decided to go ahead and split these into their own topic.

The original announcement: ... ter-738556

Katie Dippold, who wrote Paul Feig’s female buddy action comedy The Heat, is reteaming with the director for Sony's new Ghostbusters movie.

Dippold has been tapped to co-write the script with Feig for the long-gestating third installment.

Feig came on board to rejuvenate the project in August, with a twist: the Ghostbusters would now be a female team, and the project would launch a new series instead of being connected to the earlier movies.

And about Silent Mobius
Hmm, that might be worth checking out. Thanks for the rec.

I dug out a few of the manga to remind myself about it myself. It's very late-Eighties/early Nineties, set in a pseudo-cyberpunk near-future version of Tokyo that just happens to be under attack from supernatural entities called "Lucifer Hawks"...which of course leads to our all-female team of investigators, a kind of "Supernatural Victims Unit" comprised of a Shinto priestess, a cyborg, a lolicon with psychic powers, a stacked blonde computer genius, and the "Chosen One" type with a magic sword. Their boss is a mysterious sort who may have some connection to the entities.

And yeah, being a late Eighties/early Nineties manga, there's some moments of fanservice.

I may have a detail or two wrong; it's been literally twenty years since I read any of it though.


PostPosted: October 15th, 2014, 5:10 am 
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sorry to say this but i'm one of the guys that don't like the idea of a all female cast. I would like to point out I did not say it's a bad idea. I'm just saying I not keen on the idea.

un like most of the others out there I will try to point out why. { guess you can call this fears of a male GB fan.}

one could argue why dos it have to be all boys or all girls. I would prefer it to be both.
one of my fears is that it might alienate one demographic if you have a teem of al lone gender.

yes there have been female GB in the cartoon and the comics and there is nothing wrong with a all female team in a movie if dun right.

I will admit I have not seen the heat but there was nothing in the trailer that made me really want to see it. { I might have to give it a chance. } Frankly most of the comedies out these days don't appeal to me.
Another one of my fears is that they will make it less of a standard comedy and have it shift to more of female comedy.

Have jokes and situations written to appeal to women more, and that guys just can't relate to.
I have experienced this way with some of the comedy my mom has made me watch with her.
{ witch just made me think of something. A lot of guys make think fame + comedy = romance comedy }

The worst was when she had the sex in the city 2 movie on. I really had to fight the urge to keep from committing Japanese subside. { i wish I was joking with that.}

frits pointed out that in Japan that had a all-female ghostbusters team with Silent Mobius. But that was in Japan not hollywood. Yes hollywood can right some good female craters like Ripley but its a bit of a crap shoot.

Also yes frozen was a hie grossing movie and a good story for little girls and kids. yet we have to ask ore selves is this going to be made for kids adults. Looking at the trailer again the heat was not exactly a kids moves like frozen.

these are just my fears and yes fears can be irrational but i wanted to chair them and try to make some points. rather then just come off " girls suck."

I would also like to point out the guys that said female actions figures don't sell. Its a sad but but also true fact. Toys are what help sell movies and companies still don't think female actions figures really sells well in a boys line.

I may have been ons of the only boys that wanted the female actions figures just as bad as the male ones.

You talking to the guy that snatched up a Elisa Maza as soon as I saw it on the toy shelves.



pleas parden my speling but I'm a littel dislexik and can't tipe whel

PostPosted: October 16th, 2014, 6:16 am 
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I know I've been really quiet lately, but I've been having a hard time digesting some of the new information in GB world. (It started when Harold passed, it's been hard).
Anyway, I love that you guys are having a rational open discussion of this, that's why I love this board.
I personally don't have a problem with using an all female cast. It's the no continuity that bothers me some, but I realize it could be a lot worse if they tried to add to the original story line.
No, the thing that bothers me are the names floating around about the women that they would cast. Emma Stone is the only one I would tolerate. The others I wouldn't watch in ANY movie. I would rather see a whole cast of unknowns.
That's it, that's all I've got on this topic.

Peter: "Huh. Guess we're not welcome."
Winston: "Not welcome, there's a first. We should all get nametags that say, 'Hello, I'm not welcome'. Or maybe Tshirts or mugs or something."
--Ghostbusters the video game

PostPosted: October 16th, 2014, 4:48 pm 
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jason knetge wrote:
Another one of my fears is that they will make it less of a standard comedy and have it shift to more of female comedy.

Have jokes and situations written to appeal to women more, and that guys just can't relate to.
I have experienced this way with some of the comedy my mom has made me watch with her.
{ witch just made me think of something. A lot of guys make think fame + comedy = romance comedy }

The worst was when she had the sex in the city 2 movie on. I really had to fight the urge to keep from committing Japanese subside. { i wish I was joking with that.}

lol. It's Ghostbusters 3, not sex and the city or sleepless in seattle! :lol: :mrgreen:

Paul Feig and Katie Dippold have worked on The Heat, Bridesmaids, The Office, Arrested Development, 30 Rock, Freaks and Geeks and Parks and Rec, so this is the type of comedy we'll be seeing in GB3.

jason knetge wrote:
Also yes frozen was a hie grossing movie and a good story for little girls and kids. yet we have to ask ore selves is this going to be made for kids adults. Looking at the trailer again the heat was not exactly a kids moves like frozen.

I used Frozen as an example because the comment I quoted mentioned children liking ghostbusters and merchandising, and the toy line from the film Frozen sold out of the female character toys, thereby proving that female character merchandise and female-led movies can sell with kids. Despite the film Frozen being female centric, it didn't alienate the male demographic. Plus it was the third biggest grossing movie of last year, so it was hugely successful.

For an example of more adult-oriented films; the Alien films were big-grossing movies with a female protagonist which didn't alienate the male demographic, neither did Terminator or Kill Bill. It's not impossible to make a female-led action film that guys will want to watch. 

jason knetge wrote:
I would also like to point out the guys that said female actions figures don't sell. Its a sad but but also true fact. Toys are what help sell movies and companies still don't think female actions figures really sells well in a boys line.

Another true fact is that female-led films are making on average 20% more money than male-led films and more women are going to the cinema than men. 

Female-led movies made more money on average than high-performing franchise movies with toy lines, so regardless of toys and action figures, more money is still being made with female-led movies. For example, the Hunger Games (female-led movie) was the biggest grossing movie last year and made more money than Iron Man 3, Man of Steel, Thor, The Wolverine and G.I. Joe (male-led movies with male action figures). 

"Welcome to Britain. We have prevailing south-westerly winds and 52% of our days are overcast so as a nation we are infused with a subtle melancholy -- leading to eccentricity, binge drinking and casual violence." - Bill Bailey.

PostPosted: October 24th, 2014, 8:22 pm 
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Just to put this out there, as a bit of a brain drizzle I had:

A counterargument to everybody saying that a female Ghostbusters team could never work and wouldn't move merchandise?

My Little Pony.

A show aimed at tween-age girls has nevertheless become very popular with people who are not tweenagers, or even girls. Leaving aside the creepiest MLP fans (the ones who, to put it delicately, wouldn't follow a girl GB team because they would have only two legs each and no hooves), is this something that proves a female-driven team could catch on with a male demographic? I mean, shit, there are some internet weirdos who seem to act like watching a show about candy-colored female horsies is the manliest thing a manly man could do. And Hasbro has made a shitton of money I would reckon.

I want to know what some of you might think about that comparison. It's probably a pretty shit analogy, but I thought I'd throw it out there.


PostPosted: January 29th, 2015, 10:48 am 
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Latest news on Sony Craps Out A Ghostbusters Movie Just Because: Kristen Wiig, Leslie Jones, Kate McKinnon, and Mellissa McCarthy have been cast as the new Ghostbusters. Not really any surprises there: McCarthy has been in everything Paul Feig has ever made, and the other three have some Saturday Night Live cred, which means that there's one thing in common with the movies that Feig is otherwise utterly ignoring.

But then there's this rumor: Sony has someone they really want to play the Ghostbusters' antagonist, apparently the Walter Peck/Jack Hardemeyer figure. The actor's name?

Bill Murray

(It was first reported here but the reference has been scrubbed since then.)

You know, I'm sorry, I've been indifferent to the whole "reboot" thing up until now, but if this happens...if after twenty years of protecting us from potentially shitty sequels Murray eagerly comes onboard for a potentially shitty reboot, I'll be cursing his name along side ever other Ghosthead


PostPosted: January 31st, 2015, 9:55 am 
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A couple of random bits of brain flotsam about Feigbusters:

1. He says his "vision" or whatever wouldn't work in a world where people already know ghosts exists, so he needs his own super special separate universe. What?

Remember in Ghostbusters 2, how a lot of people still thought the Ghostbusters were "frauds" and "full of crap" a mere five years after a giant fucking Marshmallow Man stomped around Manhattan? Another twenty seven years of nothing like that or rivers of slime happening again and you could easily justify people as a whole not knowing ghosts exist.

2. What if Feig mets meta with his "nods"--GB3 takes place in a universe where the first two movies...were movies. Thus, once the Feigbusters discover ghosts are real, they commandeer the name and logo to go out and fight them.

Of course, that means that in that universe Sony's lawyers aren't all that upset about trademark infringement, so that probably kills that idea. :lol:


PostPosted: January 31st, 2015, 5:04 pm 
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I'll be honest -- I almost flipped a table when I heard they were doing an all-female cast of Ghostbusters…and I'm a female. And a feminist.

Not because I'm against female casts per se (obviously not) it's just that…I'm a purist. A traditionalist. A "if it ain't broke don't fix it" type of girl.

But as been pointed out in this thread the original GB are already 'broke' -- Harold's passed, and the rest are well past their prime to pull off a movie.

So thank you for opening my eyes and giving me a new perspective of looking at things!

In a way, I think that maybe a female cast would be even better and will still support my purist sensibilities -- because it's "all female" there will be less comparisons and trying to kiss "who is filling the Peter role, who is playing "Egon" etc." So to make it completely separate and different from the original cast by making it all female sort of negates any comparison and makes it it's own entity.

So I'm feeling it now :) :D

But it was only after reading the posts here that opened my eyes to the potential and reasonings as to why this might be a good thing. Thank you!

P.S. Could someone please elaborate on this male fanbase of My Little Pony? I am at once fascinated and highly distubed... :shock:

PostPosted: July 3rd, 2015, 6:48 pm 
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Lont time no talk on this one...

I'm still suspicious of the whole "reboot"/AU thingbut then again, as a general rule I've gotten fucking sick of reboots the last several years–it just means “We don’t care enough to learn about the property we’re trying to milk money out of, so we’ll just say ‘reboot’ because paying attention to all that stuff might compromise the writer/director’s ‘Vision’.” (Or in other cases, “Reboot” means “We don’t have any ideas for new stories, so we’ll just retell an old one with some new bells and whistles”)

So a couple days ago some pictures came out...



It certainly could have been worse. Whether it was Feig himself deciding to take a closer look at the franchise he'd been handed, or somebody at Sony put their foot down, we can say that this, at least, has enough of a resemblance to the classic uniforms and gear to have quieted some of the griping.

It is kind of funny the reaction to the "radiation heart" sticker. It's for the moment become kinda the unofficial GB 2016 logo.

I wouldn't say this gets me excited about this thing, combination cash grab from Sony and Feig making the same thing he always does but with Ghostbusters in it, but it does make me less negative about it.


PostPosted: July 4th, 2015, 4:21 pm 
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Fritz wrote:
It certainly could have been worse. Whether it was Feig himself deciding to take a closer look at the franchise he'd been handed, or somebody at Sony put their foot down, we can say that this, at least, has enough of a resemblance to the classic uniforms and gear to have quieted some of the griping.

Well, I kinda had a feeling that the much quoted 'fun nods' statement would have been a lot more than they were letting on at the time. I still think we're in for a few more surprises to come with this one. 

However, I really don't think it's quietened down much of the griping. Some fans will find fault in everything related to this film, no matter what the packs, uniforms, vehicles, headquarters, etc. look like. They want their 'superior' ghostbusters-for-men movie and won't be happy until they get it.  

I'm reserving judgement until I see the trailers, but as a fan I am hoping this will do well, because I want more GB stuff (mainly original stuff, but who knows what more things we could get if this movie takes off). I want Ghostbusters to be big again. I want the guys at IDW to get more backing, to make more comics, to get more of an audience. If we didn't have this movie the all the attention we've got with the 30th Anniversary would turn from a stream into a tiny trickle, and everything could so easily go very, very quiet for Ghostbusters merchandise and comics, etc. So, I'm pleased we've got something coming up, because it's a whole lot better than nothing.

I was just thinking about the uniforms... the orange striping makes me think of the guys at GBWC - you think it's a homage, Fritz? :mrgreen: :D

"Welcome to Britain. We have prevailing south-westerly winds and 52% of our days are overcast so as a nation we are infused with a subtle melancholy -- leading to eccentricity, binge drinking and casual violence." - Bill Bailey.

PostPosted: July 4th, 2015, 8:16 pm 
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nikki wrote:
However, I really don't think it's quietened down much of the griping. Some fans will find fault in everything related to this film, no matter what the packs, uniforms, vehicles, headquarters, etc. look like. They want their 'superior' ghostbusters-for-men movie and won't be happy until they get it. 

Well, I didn't mean to say that all the complaints have stopped--far from it; but on GBFans, at least, there does seem to be a slightly less hostile atmosphere when it comes to the Reboot. It's still overall negative, just a bit less so.

I was just thinking about the uniforms... the orange striping makes me think of the guys at GBWC - you think it's a homage, Fritz? :mrgreen: :D

Nah. I think it's just reflective strips that lots of stuff has nowadays; it's probably even some OSHA regulation or something. In a more "realistic" world GBI probably would've added something like that years ago. Of course, since the GBWC already has orange stripes on their uniforms, we're going to be less altered that most :lol:


PostPosted: July 5th, 2015, 9:50 am 
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Fritz wrote:
Well, I didn't mean to say that all the complaints have stopped--far from it; but on GBFans, at least, there does seem to be a slightly less hostile atmosphere when it comes to the Reboot. It's still overall negative, just a bit less so.

Yes, that is true. I keep hoping the angry outrage will mellow in time, and maybe slowly it will...

Fritz wrote:
Nah. I think it's just reflective strips that lots of stuff has nowadays; it's probably even some OSHA regulation or something. In a more "realistic" world GBI probably would've added something like that years ago. Of course, since the GBWC already has orange stripes on their uniforms, we're going to be less altered that most :lol:

Lol. Over here, reflective strips are normally bright yellow, so it didn't immediately register at first. I was kidding about the homage to GBWC, but on a more serious note, maybe Feig is at least trying to make up with some of the more disgruntled fans. I noticed he put up some dimensions to the proton guns for one of the props fans the other day, which was pretty good of him. 8-)

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