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PostPosted: March 27th, 2012, 1:06 pm 
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Zodiac: Sagittarius
Bad Bird Monster, Very Bad Bird Monster.

Ray sighed as Ava trotted across the floor, smudging her carefully painted lines. "You aren't helping."

Ava paused, having been following a bug, and cocked her head at him.

"Yeah, I'm talking to you."

Vigo for his part glared at them out of one eye, the other eye and his mouth obscured by melting paint. He would eventually regenerate - he had before after all - but by the time he recovered his power would be weaker and the whole ordeal would be over.

Ava pounced on and devoured a cockroach. Ray tried not to gag.

His attempts to get her to leave him alone had not worked out thus far. He'd tried shutting her upstairs but she had flapped around, scratched up the door, then proceeded to knock over one of the filing cabinets. Shortly after she leaped out of Venkman's office to snarl at a customer. Janine had made threats to turn her into chicken soup at that point and Ray wasn't entirely sure if they were idle ones.

He shook his head and went back to drawing the circle on the floor.

By Sentient Solipsising Schroedinger's limping cat!

PostPosted: March 29th, 2012, 1:18 pm 
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Mirror, Mirror on the Wall I Want to Kill That Other Bird Most of All.

"Wren, stop moving."

Ava just stared at Ray, head tilted and crest raised curiously. It looked like a purple mohawk now, framed by gray and touches of blue. Then she went back to threatening her reflection in the lab mirror.

"I told you it doesn't work anymore. I haven't quite figured out why though."

"Hm." Egon rescued his human brain specimen from the mantel before Ava could knock it over. "Perhaps 'wren' is only part of her true name? Theoretically a fetch would work much like a true fey in that respect."

"Doesn't quite explain why it worked before...Maybe a fetch in human form is more prone to suggestion?" Ray winced as Ava pecked the glass, her beak screeching on the surface like nails on a chalkboard.

"Could be. I think the species she was based on was at least in the wren family. We could try looking it up in field guides."

"Got any for birds on hand?"

"Just fungus and sundries, unfortunately." Egon frowned at his bookshelves. "And the others are out for the day on several calls, so they won't be available to make the run."

Ava hissed at her reflection and pecked the glass again. At this rate she was going to break it.

"Great. Time to hit the library." Ray eyed Ava and pondered how best to leave without her taking notice.

By Sentient Solipsising Schroedinger's limping cat!

PostPosted: March 30th, 2012, 11:48 pm 
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Two hours later Egon returned via taxi with an armful of books that, for a shorter person with shorter arms, would have toppled to the floor ages before he dropped them all over Janine's desk.

Janine for her part narrowed her eyes at him over her glasses, her hands protecting her keyboard from literary disaster. Egon straightened his own glasses and avoided her gaze, clearing his throat to summon Ray out of Venkman's old office.

Ava emerged first, leaping on top of the file cabinets - provoking a yelp from each of them - and hissing at them briefly. Any threat she had perceived was nullified, so she paced the cabinets once, hopped down, and went to flop on the floor by the ancient heater.

"I retrieved several extra resources aside from field guides..." Egon gestured at the mess on Janine's desk.

"I can see that." Janine grumbled, pulling a torn inventory sheet out from under a particularly heavy volume labeled 'Fetching the Fetch; Fairy Replacements Throughout the Ages'.

"A cursory glance indicated that her true name will be sufficient to control her, but the closer to the original language it was spoken in the stronger the invocation."

Ray grinned. "Well, that's good news. I bet you know what language that is, don't you?"

"I suspect I do, but I can't speak it."

"You can't?" Janine smiled, teasing him."

Egon shrugged. "Langue verde, the language of the birds, legendarily one of the first languages and a magic one at that. But I can't whistle."


Language of the Birds

By Sentient Solipsising Schroedinger's limping cat!

PostPosted: April 5th, 2012, 12:34 pm 
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....While You Work

"Remind me again why I'm doing this."

"Out of the goodness of your heart?"


"Okay, do you really want to come to work every day and have this jumping all over you?"

Ava hissed as if to prove Ray's point and went to scrape around in the tub of litter that had been arranged in the corner.

"Or empty her litter every day..."

Eduardo groaned. "Maaaan. Alright, fine. Let's go over it again..."

Ray hit play on the tape recording once more.

By Sentient Solipsising Schroedinger's limping cat!

PostPosted: April 5th, 2012, 12:50 pm 
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Your Sumerian Accent is Atrocious...Of Course It IS a Dead Language...

Eduardo cleared his throat and looked at Ray, who was patiently painting symbols on Ava's feathers. Ava herself had a tea cozy over her head and was sitting much more still than usual.

"We good?"

Ray rocked on his heels, tapping the end of the paintbrush against his chin. "As we'll ever be, I thinl. Everyone ready?"

The affirmatives came from the rest, armed as they were with proton packs. Vigo merely glared at them out of his one eye.

"Let's do this then." Ray stepped back and gestured Eduardo forward, giving him the signal to start his version of the green speech of magic.

Seconds passed, then two extraordinary somethings happened. Ava's body began to glow and a tiny woman with eyes black clean through appeared directly beside her.

Eduardo sputtered and ceased his whistling, which in turn caused the glow to fade from Ava. The woman, however, remained.

She barely noticed them, turning to the bird monster and patting it's legs, speaking in chirps and whistles, interspersed with a rattling caw.

Eduardo looked back at Ray, who was as white as a sheet, and decided it was best to back away slowly.

When Ava did not respond the woman turned to him, repeating her string of sounds.


Egon cleared his throat and began speaking a language he'd never heard before.

The woman responded in kind, smiling at them.

"...ah...I do not know the word for 'grave apology'."

"O fortune, you speak English! How quaint, such a new language it is. Your accent in Sumerian is so thick it was very difficult to understand." The woman spoke like she was singing. "Perhaps we may come to a better conclusion thus."

She waved a hand at Ava. "This is my creation and my child, I would find it much appreciated that you do not cause her further harm. I will repair the problematic issue of my own accord, if it please you to let me do so."

Ray dipped his head wordlessly, grabbing Egon's arm warningly before he could say anything more.

The woman smiled and turned back to Ava. "Very well, I shall begin the process."

By Sentient Solipsising Schroedinger's limping cat!

Last edited by APaleHorse on April 12th, 2012, 12:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: April 12th, 2012, 12:35 am 
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Questions With No Answers

"Why am I naked."

On the list of questions Ava thought she might ever ask, 'why am I naked' ranked very, very low. But ask she did. Of course she could have asked 'why am I also covered in feathers' and 'was I just tarred and feathered because I am suspiciously still alive to talk about it' but those questions were interrupted by a voice that was chillingly familiar.

"Oh good, you have regained your capability for speech," said the little old lady to her right.

"HOLY SHIT." Ava leaped to her feet and dove behind a convenient wall of boxes, peeked over them and pointing a finger at her. "You stay away from me crazy lady! You and your evil coke bottle! I mean it! I'll...Do something so terrible I don't know what it is yet!""

"Such spirit." The lady shook her head with a fond smile.

"HEINOUS HAG!" Ava retreated behind her box fort, presumably to find something to wear for the time being and hopefully not to look for more weaponry Vigo may have had her stash there.

"Such spunk!" The woman laughed and turned to the speechless Ghostbusters. "Now then, gentlemen and lady, as I am feeling generous I am prepared to offer you compensation for keeping my fetch in one place long enough for me to locate her. Time travel can be such a bore and worse when the target constantly fritters about from place to place. You have saved me much time and as such you may name your wish."

Ray held up his hands before anyone else could speak. "We only wish your happiness, my Lady."

The woman's eyes crinkled in amusement. "Ah, a wise man you. Fear not, I do not mean to harm you by trickery. Trickery is proportionately amusing to the least it is used; if used at all times it becomes boring and dull. I like things to be...a little more fun I think is your term."

Ray dipped his head, but made no request.

"Very well. I shall decide your compensation at another time then, whence I know each better." She strode away - a graceful, bird-like motion - and peered behind the row of boxes at Ava, who promptly bolted to hide under the stairs wearing a white sheet.

Ray noted with a frown that it was the enchanted sheet that had been keeping Vigo silent for so long.

"Well, as things are at rights, I shall take my leave and return at a later time to bestow my gifts." The woman nodded at them. "If any should choose their gift in advance of my return speak to the birds and they will tell me."

With that she simply vanished in the blink of an eye.

Meekly, from beneath the stairs, came a shaky voice. "So why am I naked. And feathery. And...Oh...I don't feel so well..."

Everyone winced at the ensuing sounds.

By Sentient Solipsising Schroedinger's limping cat!

PostPosted: May 26th, 2012, 2:30 pm 
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A post from Ava herself.


Well, it would seem that my personal information has been distributed in the form of a story. Not even that well written, I should add. But, as they say, once it is on the internet it never comes back.

I want you to know that I blame you for this Calvin, I bet you're involved. You are so sleeping on the couch tonight.

As to the rest of you I suppose you are wondering how it all ended, so how about I just tell it from here? Is that okay with you author-whoever? Well too bad, its going to happen anyway.

My name is Ava Cottingley nee Hannah and I am a fetch with a bound human soul. I appear physically 25 years old, but due to a lot of weird complications I'm actually 42. Don't ask me how it worked but when my soul binding was interrupted I got shifted back to the point at which my human double was taken.

I know, it's weird for me too.

Anyway after all that craziness like the living in a basement for a couple months (I still forget exactly how much time passed) and being controlled by a creepy old portrait things got back to...Well, never mind, they never went back to normal. They went back to quasi-normal. First I found out that I have an incurable affliction due to botching the soul binding the first time. It sucks, but it isn't too hard to hide most of the time. In the Summer it is more difficult but I just tell people I'm a burn victim and they don't pester me about it too much. There's a couple other issues too, but lets just say you'll forget about them anyway so we can move on.

Second I discovered that it wasn't the building and the people that were out of date with their fashion and technology, it was me. That came as quite a shock and I found myself terrified to talk about my life before all this happened because it might, I dunno, collapse the space-time continuum. Which was kind of dumb because by being there it should have collapsed anyway. Technically there were two of me by the time I found out it was 1995. I'll get to the 'were' in a minute.

Third...I guess that there isn't a third. Not really. After I found out I was in the wrong time I started talking to some birds - I'll get to that - and that WOMAN came back and...We had tea. And a long talk. Everything is sort of okay with us now, but God is she ever terrifying. I can't pronounced her name because I can't whistle. Shut up, Calvin, you can't say it either because you hit a flat note so NYAH. Anyway she gave tried to tell me no but I told her I wanted to go back to when it first happened so I could maybe stop it.

So she took me. Apparently she took her - my double - when she was pretty young. It happened at the library, probably why I always felt at home there. Anyway, she took me and then, instead of leaving, she just stood by and watched while I went over and tried to choke the life out of that little brat. I don't know why, I just felt compelled! It was like something was fundamentally WRONG just by her being there! All I could see was red. Anyway, the lady stopped me and took me aside to explain why it had been a bad idea to begin with.

Even though she doesn't remember it I still feel kind of guilty for trying to erase her from existence. Apparently fetch are just predisposed to killing the real versions. Who knew.

So as a follow-up she took me back to the near future (haha) and left me to think about what I'd done at the Firehouse. It didn't go so well. I still have no idea why she didn't just take me back to the point she soul-bound me and leave me there because I've spent the last 17 years hiding out in a warehouse with some really weird people. Yes Calvin, you too. In fact you're the weirdest.

I should probably explain that whole warehouse thing. Anyway, after another couple months of moping around the Firehouse doing whatever came up to earn my keep - it was pretty fortunate that I'd handled a micropipeter in college, we'll just say that much about it - I was approached by some weird guy who was there to propose a solution to a problem the Ghostbusters had been having.

He said his name was Arthur and he worked for a government agency involved in the storage of artifacts that could cause harm, such as Vigo's portrait in the basement. He rattled on about how they had been watching the Firehouse for some time but hadn't wanted to interfere mostly because the artifacts they collected were kept under pretty good security. Until I showed up and woke Vigo up anyway.

Then he pointed at me and called me an artifact. That kind of pissed me off, not to mention everyone else.

After a quick explanations he got across he hadn't meant any offense, it was just my being a bird instead of a person had set off some kind of alarm at their headquarters. He wasn't taking me in or anything, but he did have a solution for the problems we'd been having.

Arthur would take me and all the artifacts in the basement to a secure facility out in the middle of BFN where I would receive employment via the government, companionship with other unfortunate cases like myself, and all the dangerous things in the basement would be dangerous things under lock and key far away from people who didn't understand what they were dealing with.

Everyone was pretty skeptical. Hell, I thought it was a total scam. But he persisted and offered us a tour, something I later found out was really unusual. I suppose the Ghostbusters being professional paranormal elimination experts made them sort of like colleagues. So we went, we met Calvin and the others, and its where I've been ever since.

By Sentient Solipsising Schroedinger's limping cat!

PostPosted: May 27th, 2012, 12:13 am 
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Still you do good work. Keep it up. Can't wait for something else.

Exley K. Spengler

Sometimes in my job I feel just like Janine, over worked and under paid!

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