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PostPosted: March 4th, 2010, 6:19 pm 
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There's a thread on GBFans with this same title ... 39&t=12460

I'm planning to crosspost this there, but I thought I might let you guys take a look first for input:

My great fears about GB3?

** Bill Murray will half-ass it again. If he's not gonna be in it, and not gonna give it his all, just don't make it. "Half assing it" would include having him in it as a ghost, where he can just phone in all his parts from a green screen.

** More Gozer retreads. One of the things GB2, for all of it's flaws, did right is have an enemy that didn't have a blessed thing to do with Gozer. It was a directive from J. Micheal Stracynski to the writers of The Real Ghostbusters to "forget about Gozer. He's history". But in recent years, suddenly everything has to somehow go back to Gozer: their enemies are Gozer's father, or his concubine, or his insane worshippers.

With all the mythology that the property can, and has, drawn upon even before making stuff up (Gozer, after all, does not appear in any real summations of Sumerian mythology) the constant dipping into this till feels uncreative and overdone. Quit now before you end up like the Marvel UK comics and suddenly Gozer has a Scottish redneck cousin. (Yeah, I wish I was kidding about that...)

** It’ll all be about Venkman and his love life again. GB1: Venkman’s love interest Dana Barrett is being stalked by Gozer. GB2: Venkman’s love interest Dana Barrett and her son are being stalked by Vigo the Carpathian. GBVG: Venkman’s love interest Ilyssa Selwyn is being stalked by Ivo Shandor and his Gozer cult. Venkman is the only one apparently allowed to have a social life—Ray and Winston have none in the movies at all, and Egon was cockblocked by his own creator in the name of “I need to make up reasons to justify having my old Second City buddy in the sequel”

I’m not opposed to a romantic subplot. But since the movie will probably involve new characters, perhaps Oscar Wallance and/or someone else should be at the center of it.

** Dana Barrett will be forgotten about. I realize that’s a bit contradictory with the last point, but Sigourney Weaver doesn’t even need to be in it to allay my fear. One of my gripes about the Video Game, and even the animation, is that Dana is basically ignored—even though Venkman’s interaction with her was so important in both movies.

There are some people who say “Venkman should be alone and on the prowl”. I disagree. It was one thing for Venkman to win and lose her once; it gave Venkman in GB2 a new character depth. He learned and grew from the experience. Venkman losing Dana again pretty much makes him a pathetic loser, and throws away the entire point of his character arc in the first two movies.

As far as the video game goes—things with Selwyn ended, it’s my understanding, on a note that was ambiguous at best. There will be at least twenty years between the events of the game and GB3—more than enough time for Venkman to have fixed things with Dana, married her, and raised Oscar as his own. And like I said, you don’t even need Weaver to be there to establish any of that—this story shouldn’t be about her anyway, as I said above.

There’ll be plenty of room for one of the new characters to be a skirt chasing rake.

** The new characters will suck. They’ll be a bunch of talentless, “hot” hacks who can’t act their way out of paper bags, but they sell movie tickets to the droids in the audience. I won’t name any names, but whichever overrated douchebag you want to name I will probably agree with.

** The new characters will be awesome, but the fans will hate them anyway because they’re not Venkman, and Ray, and Egon, and Winston. Unless they’re predominantly white men, there’ll be whining about “Political correctness”. I get the feeling I've seen this one happen already.

** Winston will be sidelined again. One of the things that annoyed me most about GB2 was the way Winston appeared at the beginning, then disappeared for the first third of the movie. Treating him as though he's somehow less important than the others gets on my nerves bad.

** Janine will be written like she was in GB2.

I speak for many fans of this character: the Janine we like so much was defined by GB1 and the early seasons of the cartoon: gutsy, abraisive, fearless, eccentric, a bit bookish (maybe a tad less so in the cartoon), able to hold her own in a verbal smackdown with Venkman, but tempered and humanized by her obvious soft spot for Egon. Her clumsy attempts to woo the clueless physicist were hilarious, touching, and humanized him greatly too. The subtle development of their arc led to an episode of the cartoon that actually won it an Emmy.

Compared to that, the way she was written in GB2 was an act of character assassination. She was barely even in the movie, didn't even get to argue with Venkman, and her eccentric bookishness and soft spot for Egon were replaced with an overamped libido and sense of desperation taking her standards low enough to find a loser like Louis Tully worthy of a sleazy and embarrassing makeout session.

(And I'm not even going to discuss the personality lobotomy ABC "experts" insisted on in the cartoon, which was a direct cause of Mr. Stracynski quitting the show)

I think it speaks volumes about her portrayal in GB2 that a great many fans and even other licensed, official writers ignore it--James Van Hise, writer of the Real Ghostbusters comics of the time, explicitly chalked up her flirtation with Louis as jealousy of all the time Egon was spending on Ghostbuster business. This issue was published while GB2 was still in theatres. JMS's Emmy winning episode "Janine, You've Changed" and Extreme Ghostbusters don't even mention Louis Tully. Even recent writers such as Nathan Johnson and Ilias Kyriazis have been dropping Egon/Janine hints.

Take your cues there. Good: Sarcastic, eccentric, loves Egon. Bad: bland, boring, horny for Louis.

** Slimer will be "Evil" (if he's in the movie at all). Slimer was never evil--he was just hungry and mischievous. He should be in the movie, albeit only briefly, and just hanging around the firehouse eating stuff and annoying Venkman.

** Rick Moranis will be pressured into appearing in the movie. Let's be frank here: some fans overestimate Louis Tully's importance to the franchise. Let me remind you that during the cartoon's best days, they got along just fine without him. Even when he did become available to them, they didn't find a lot they could do with him. Extreme Ghostbusters, the IDW and Tokyopop comic series got along just fine without him. Even the Video Game, which has drawn almost universal acclaim from Ghostheads, didn't have him and, let's face it, didn't need him.

And honestly, to put him in the second movie, they had to graft a new role, that of lawyer, onto him. If he'd vanished from sight after the courtroom scene, we probably all would have been saying "That was a nice little nod to the first movie" but then, to give the character a reason to be there for the rest of the movie, they saddled us with some Slimer scenes that even they didn't think were worth putting in the final cut of the movie, and basically whored Janine out to him.

That's not to say I'm unequivically opposed. If they can find a way to make it worth Moranis's time without trainwrecking a movie that already looks to be crowded with characters, and stay well away from the Janine/Louis epic fail or Louis as Ghostbuster epic fail, go for it.

Otherwise, let Rick Moranis enjoy his retirement.

** Rick Moranis will decline to appear, and pantleggers will bitch about it the way they bitch about Louis not being in the Video Game.

** The new ECTO-1 will be something other than a 59 Caddy. No Hummers, no Armored Yuppie Carriers (SUVs). At least not as only GB vehicles--something in addition to the classic will be okay. And please, no more unneccessary letters--I'd rather they call it "ECTO-1" instead of "ECTO-1C" or whatever. It was one thing in GB2 when it (probably) wasn't supposed to be the same vehicle, but in the video game ("ECTO-1B") there was no reason for it.

** This one is more nerdy: Oscar will be in it, and they'll reveal that his birth name isn't Wallance. His father's name was Andre Wallance in the Richard Mueller adaptation of GB1, and it would be cool as hell to have them use that, just for us obscure trivia buffs. (Or at least not contradict it, ie by always referring to the character as "Oscar Venkman" because Venkman adopted him)

** They stick too close to The Formula

--New menace menaces Venkman's Interest. We also meet her Creepy Stalker

--Venkman, Ray, and Egon go on a bust that changes their fortunes for the better

--A montage with the theme playing

--The Big Bad recruits the Creepy Stalker of Venkman's love interest to be his follower.

--There's a climactic showdown where something big walks down the street

No. Just no. After twenty one plus years, you can do something different. The montage you can maybe leave in, but otherwise, no.


Please, I want to be surprised and thrilled. But like many others, I fear for the project in today's movie climate, where so many otherwise promising properties have been abused and screwed over by bad decisions.

If you can't make a Ghostbusters 3 worthy of the name, just don't sprocking do it.

Edit: Heh. Post 1971. The year I was born.


PostPosted: March 4th, 2010, 9:59 pm 

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That the Ghostbusters will be once again dishonored and out of business.

The new team will be the central focus of the movie.

The new team will SUCK because they are bland, uninteresting people.

The Ecto-1 will be nowhere in sight.

Peter and Dana will be on the rocks yet again.

Gozer will be back.

The proton packs will be "updated" and unrecognizable. I dont wanna see any of this miniaturizing bullshit they're pulling with technology nowadays. Bulky and complicated-looking is, was, and should ALWAYS be the way to go!

PostPosted: March 5th, 2010, 8:51 am 
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Yeah. You reminded me of one I'll add before I post it on GBFans:

* Please, dear Gods, no "They're out of business at the beginning" plot again. We've sat throught that one twice already.


PostPosted: March 6th, 2010, 11:36 am 

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Well, the first one doesnt really count since technically they hadnt ever been IN business before that, haha.

PostPosted: March 7th, 2010, 8:41 am 
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I meant the beginning of EGB, which also dipped into the "They're out of business" till. It may not count for everyone, but it counts for me. :lol:


PostPosted: March 7th, 2010, 6:49 pm 

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Oh yeah, for some reason I completely forgot about EGB, haha.

PostPosted: March 7th, 2010, 6:54 pm 
I Have No Life
I Have No Life

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Well, what can I say, you've pretty much hit all the big ones.

I gues the BIGGEST thing I worry about is:
1) They use/write/act the original characters incorrectly, see Fritz's post for specifics, because I think they are all pretty right on.

2) That the new GBs will either be too generic and have no character, be to silly and unviewable as professionals, or be to serious and loose all the humor.

Basically my opinion is you can put all the cars, equipment and spooks into the movie as you'd like, but if the characters aren't good then the movie won't be good.

My question is this:
If the movie does happen will you watch it at all?
Will you wait to see what others think before you see it?
Or, will you be first in line at your local theater now matter what?

Peter: "Huh. Guess we're not welcome."
Winston: "Not welcome, there's a first. We should all get nametags that say, 'Hello, I'm not welcome'. Or maybe Tshirts or mugs or something."
--Ghostbusters the video game

PostPosted: March 8th, 2010, 10:46 am 
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ghostdiva wrote:
My question is this:
If the movie does happen will you watch it at all?
Will you wait to see what others think before you see it?
Or, will you be first in line at your local theater now matter what?

I'll wait for the trailer. If I'm skeptical, I wait what others have to say (mostly you guys).

BTW, I read at a german side that Venkman will be a ghost for the most part. Is that really true or just old news (That would be one of the points I'm afraid of).

Never interfere with an idiot while they are proving themselves.

PostPosted: March 8th, 2010, 3:14 pm 
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We really don't know. Murray seems to have been making joking references to the idea recently, but we don't know whether he's just goofing around with that old idea, or it's really still on the table.

As for whether I'd go see it on opening really does depend on how every singnal looks beforehand, and early reviews. "Venkman as ghost" probably scoots it back from opening weekend. "Rick Moranis returns, and Annie Potts plays his wife" means I wait until a friend of mine buys or rents it on DVD. If that.


PostPosted: April 9th, 2010, 5:38 pm 
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"Rick Moranis returns, and Annie Potts plays his wife" means I wait until a friend of mine buys or rents it on DVD. If that.

Nah, it just means movie theaters will be cleaning up rotten tomatoes for months afterward. :lol:

I think Slimer should appear for long enough to eat a lunch box whole or something, Peter should yell "Sliiiiiimer!" and that's the extent of Slimer's role. I also think that if they bring Louis back, he can walk past the firehouse, smile at the camera and wander away and we're done with him too. And yeah, they can keep the montage, but that's the only bit of the formula that should stay. I think that the best way to do a GB movie would be for them to use the stories on here. :)

"I love mankind, it's people I can't stand."--Linus van Pelt from the Peanuts Cartoons. Yay I have Doberman rank!

PostPosted: April 9th, 2010, 9:00 pm 

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How about, "Murray Passes on Ghostbusters 3, Ex-Full House Star In Line For Role"

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PostPosted: April 9th, 2010, 10:22 pm 
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:puke: Again rotten tomatoes.

"I love mankind, it's people I can't stand."--Linus van Pelt from the Peanuts Cartoons. Yay I have Doberman rank!

PostPosted: April 28th, 2010, 6:40 pm 
I Have No Life
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I don't know if its my worst fear, but its definately scarry as hell:

“You know, maybe I should just do it. Maybe it’d be fun to do. Because the guys are funny and I miss [Rick] Moranis and Annie [Potts] and Danny. Those people are some people that were really, you know, I miss them. I think that’s really a big part of it.”

A movie centered around Louis and Janine with Peter and Ray in the back ground, this is what Murray wants?! Say it ain't so! :shock:

Peter: "Huh. Guess we're not welcome."
Winston: "Not welcome, there's a first. We should all get nametags that say, 'Hello, I'm not welcome'. Or maybe Tshirts or mugs or something."
--Ghostbusters the video game

PostPosted: May 5th, 2010, 8:43 pm 

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I really dont think that he meant a movie centered around them, he probably means he just hasnt seen those three in a long time, wheras he's worked with Ramis quite a bit over the years, but he and Danny and Rick Moranis have barely worked together since the second film, so he probably meant he just misses working with them. You're reading way too much into that statement.

Also, I wanna kill that couple who looked at him and killed his Ghostbusters spirit... ALMOST HAD HIM!!!!!

PostPosted: May 10th, 2010, 6:51 am 
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My fears are that sony will not do it cause they fear the fans wouldn't see it deeming it unghostbusters like.

I hear way too much complaining on the boards everytime one thing is said. I get the strange idea that all people really want is a remake of the first movie with the same actors, which isn't happening. The fan base is starting to sound more like trekies and star wars fans. I hope we havn't gotten that overblown with this. What happened to being grateful they wasted time on making a video game on a dead old franchise?! People need to hold back and let the magic of getting script made and film produced happen. It's clear some are hoping for way too much, and they will have to get over it, as it ain't going to happen.


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