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PostPosted: October 18th, 2007, 9:58 am 
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Massive Previous Discussion
Ghostbusters: Gemini Rising, Part One

1999--Timeline Year Seventeen
Less than a year after finally getting married, Egon and Janine Spengler recieve the news that their relationship is about to advance another step--to parenthood.

The stage is set. On June 13, 1999...everything changes.

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When I sent out beta version one of them wrote me back calling me a rat bastard for ending on a cliffhanger like that. It was meant in fun, of course, (I think....) the same way a different beta reader called me similar names after "Zodiac Imperative Part 4", which ended with the proton packs blowing up.
Ghostbusters 2000: Gemini Rising, Part Two

June 13, 1999--Timeline Y//---error---error---error--- //
Lowell, Franky, Moira, and Carla are called when Mayor Zeddemore's speech is interrupted by a time rift. From the time rift comes a mysterious woman demanding to speak to "Professor" Spengler, and telling a strange story about the "Five Who Are One" and the "Gemini Twins"

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Slimer! And The Extreme Ghostbusters: Gemini Rising, Part Three

June 13, 1999--Timeline Y//---error---error---error--- //
Slimer, Roland, Eduardo, Kylie, and Garrett are called when Mayor MacShayne's speech is interrupted by a time rift. From the time rift comes a mysterious man demanding to speak to Professor Spengler, and telling a strange story about the "Five Who Are One" and the "Gemini Twins"

And don't be thrown off too far by the very beginning--the opening scene is the exact same one as Part 2. After that...well, I'll just have to let you see for yourself...

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Ghostbusters 2000: Gemini Rising, Part Four

June 13, 1999--Timeline Y//---error---error---error--- //
Pollux and the Five Who Are One--the original Ghostbusters and
Janine--confront Nodus. But it's not the Nodus they were
expecting...instead, it's a redheaded man that Pollux finds unnervingly
familiar. And if they defeat him, they will have to face the most
unexpected group of enemies yet!

Slimer! And The Extreme Ghostbusters: Gemini Rising, Part Five

June 13, 1999--Timeline Y//---error---error---error--- //

Romulus and the Five Who Are One--the original Ghostbusters and Janine--confront Nodus. But it's not the Nodus they were expecting...instead, it's a blonde woman that Romulus finds unnervingly familiar. And if they defeat her, they will have to face the most unexpected group of enemies yet!

Ghostbusters: Gemini Rising, Part Six

June 13, 1999--Timeline Y//---error---error---error--- //
In the Null Zone, two teams of Ghostbusters each encounter each other, convinced the other is some sort of bizarre parody. Romulus and Pollux's secret is exposed, and only half as many Ghostbusters as before walk away from the ramifications...

Spoilers Page with Romulus, Pollux, and Robo Buster X-2
Ghostbusters: Gemini Rising, Part Seven

June 13, 1999--Ghostbusters Omnibus Timeline Year Seventeen
In the extra-length conclusion, the Ghostbusters and the Gemini Twins confront Josiah Nodus, a man who has literally torn the universe apart. The key to victory will hinge on understanding the mind-blowing answers to one simple question: Why is he doing this?!

Villains Page which includes Josiah Nodus (in his disguise, anyway)
I'm probably going to compose a big bunch of liner notes with more answers to things, but for now a few things I just can't help but comment on...

I'd delayed posting this thread because I wanted to have those notes done, but they're not done--I decided to go ahead and post this thread anyway. I will get the liner notes and commentary done very soon. (I hope)


PostPosted: March 16th, 2008, 5:41 am 
I Have No Life
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Did you ever get the notes/commentary done? I admit, it was a bit hard following this story's twists and turns, but once I could read it in its entirety, it was clearer. Still, I'll bet the notes are fascinating.


PostPosted: March 16th, 2008, 9:15 am 
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I looked them over the other day. The text file is already 58kb long (I've put out stories shorter than that!) and I still haven't put in everything I want yet--plus I've dragged my feet on this so long that some parts are actually out of date now.



PostPosted: March 16th, 2008, 5:32 pm 
I Have No Life
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OK, but I'd still love to read it.


PostPosted: June 13th, 2008, 7:06 pm 
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For John and Eden's Ninth Birthday, the Liner Notes for Part One of "Gemini Rising" . I'll put up some more tomorrow (or at least that's the plan right now)


Part 1, of course, was centered around Janine's pregnancy. After a prelude, where Nodus's sample of the Gemini force reacts to the actual conception of the Twins, we flash to Janine actually telling Egon about her suspicions. At first I was going to write it as Egon's birthday (November 21), but later decided Janine's (October 28) would work out better. Either way, the mention of Egon's brithday the previous year ("Back In The Saddle") provided a note of resonance.

Ray and the EGBs battle some ghost penguins. There's a game Ogre has called Disgaea featuring creatures called "Prinnies", spirits that look an awful lot like penguins and say "Dood" a lot. Thus the ghost penguins who said "Dude" a lot.

Eduardo and Kylie are now an item; Rosey had decided to connect them getting over their issues with the Spengler nuptuals in a story called "Heads or Tails"; they are fated, of course, to have two daughters in 2001 and 2004, and finally get married in 2006.

"But what if they're really from Hoboken?" Gag reference to an old Bugs Bunny cartoon. Bugs goes through hell and high water to get a penguin back to the South Pole, only to discover that it was from a circus in Hoboken.

Kaila McMillan Zeddemore is Winston's wife; Brian Reilly developed her from the bare bone references to Winston's girlfriend in RGB: Winston had a canonical girlfriend mentioned, but not named, in "The Devil To Pay". She appears (but is again, not named) in "The Strength To Dream" (RGB#23), which also establishes her as a museum curator. Kaila mentions her and Winston's daughter Charlene, born in late 1992 (a character Ogre and I created years ago, though Rosey has developed her quite a bit in some of her stories)

Dana Barrett Venkman. Well, yeah, you know who that is. We showed her finally tying the knot with Venkman in "For Worse Or For Better".

Oscar Wallance. Dana's son, the one menaced by Vigo in GB2. His surname comes from the GB1 novelization by Richard Mueller, which gave the name of The Stiff as Andre Wallance. The idea that The Stiff is his father is only a conjecture in the canon, but is one shared by Sigourney Weaver and Joe Medjuck. A lot of his character was defined by fan fic writer Rosey Collins, aka EGB Fan.

Eric Stantz is of course Ray's son, and is seen as an adult in "Future Shocks." Rays' wife's exact identity has not been revealed; but keep your eyes open for "Chronicles of Gozer Book Six: Exaltation"

Edward Zeddemore is from the RGB episode "The Brooklyn Triangle". His wife Lucille is named in the GB1 novelization (an alternate name, Evangelean, is in "The Return", but we've regarded it as apocryphal. In The Spirited Drizzlepuss I gave that name to Winston's sister, mentioned but unnamed in EGB). Lois Stantz is from "The Spirit of Aunt Lois"

The EGB episode "Nothing To Fear" establishes steamed broccholi as the one thing Slimer can't stand.

Janine's birthday, by the way, is derived from three sources: "The Brooklyn Triangle" (Janine shows Egon a yearbook dated 1977); "The Crawler", where Janine mentions she's a Scorpio; and the birthdate of actress Annie Potts, October 28, 1952 (which fits the Scorpio criteria)

Janine is given a due date of June 13, which of course turns out to be the exact day. It just struck me as very Spenglerish to be born on your exact due date.

Liz Hawthorne is a wizard of the Order of Hermes, and previously appeared in both "Zodiac Imperative" and "Shadow of the Inquisitors". She seemed quite interested in Ray Stantz, and we know Eric will also be a wizard, but Liz has NOT yet been established as Eric's Mom.

Fritz Melnitz appeared in the TV episode "Janine's Day Off", but wasn't named. And yeah, I admit, when I wrote the Timeline I gave him my penname as an in-joke. I hadn't forseen, at the time, appearing as "myself" in the GBWC fan fictions, or having my name out there (I was known as "Veedramon" when I first made the Timeline public, after all)

Denise Melnitz--like her husband, appeared and unnamed in "Janine's Day Off". Yeah, she's named after an ex love interest of mine c.1998, when I first started creating the Timeline.

Katharine Melton Spengler. Appeared in "Til Death Do Us Part" (ironically enough) and "Ghost World. Her first name I decided to keep from stories of fan fiction legend Shiela Paulson; her maiden name is my own invention. She ruminates on her dead husband's previous marriage, and mentions at the end of Part 7 about Eden being a "granddaughter that is OURS". Edison Spengler had a child before he met Katharine, Ellis, but when Ellis's mother died Ellis was raised by her family. Ellis is the father of Nightsquad's Jen Spengler. This was a solution Jen agreed to to both respect the canon that strongly implies Egon is an only child (he's raised as one, and he is still Katharine's only child), while allowing him to have a niece.

Cyrus Spengler, Egon's uncle, appeared in "Cry Uncle"

All of the breast jokes Janine mentions were taken from Ghostbusters: Legion #3

Venkman mentions director Jon Dennison; he comes to a tragic end in 2003 in the Ghostbusters West Coast origin story, Opening Night

The "Two thousand zero zero" lyrics are from Prince's "1999".

Janine drives a Volkswagon Beetle in various shades over the course of RGB; I standardize it to yellow because of the Highway Haunter toy. We always used it as Janine's car.

The Northern Virginia Ghostbusters (NOVAGB) are one of the oldest of all GBI Franchises, the creation of prop guru Norm Gagnon. Current canon suggests they were the only one to survive the "first implosion" of GBI back in 1986.

I also mention "This great site some guy named Emkow put together", which is a reference to the legendary original Ghostbusters site founded in 1996 by Bill Emkow. It's basically the grandfather site of GBN.

Back in "Future Shocks" there was a throwaway line by the Twins about Ray renovating the firehouse in the 1990's. Here, it's finally written into the story and "explained"

Janine is talking on the phone with someone named "Shirl" in "The Bird of Kildarby". I just decided that I didn't like "Shirl Melnitz" as a name for Janine's sister, so I spun it off into a friend. Shirl Johnson appeared at the Spengler wedding.

Doris Irwin--appeared but unnamed in "Janine's Day Off." Janine specifically mentions a sister in another episode (I forget which one), and in the EGB episode "Fallout" Egon says "Say hello to your sister Doris for me". Prior to Febraury 2008, I had referred to her by the name Deann after a former coworker (though not a Love Interest)

Victor Irwin. Appears in "Janine's Day Off", but isn't actually named. However, Janine mentions having a nephew named Victor in "Victor the Happy Ghost." Following Ockham's Razor, I made them the same guy and Janine's sister his Mom.

Egon and Janine mention several tranformations they had each made--Janine's in "Janine, You've Changed"; Egon's in "Egon's Ghost", "Stay Tooned", and "Poultrygeist". And Egon hints at Dana's transformation into a Terror Dog in GB1.

Marie Cavendish Rosenfeld. Janine mentions a friend named Marie who was dating an orthodontist in one episode (the note I have from Labidolemur doesn't say which one), which by 1998 she's married and had two kids with. I used her previously in "Fateful Opportunity", and is actually both integral to the story of Egon and Janine getting together (she used to date Venkman, and recommended Janine to them). As mentioned, Janine finally fulfills her promise to Marie by giving Eden that middle name.

I pretty much made up Christopher Melton and Johnathan Brandenburg on the spot.

The motif of Egon looking at his own arm shifting out of focus would be referenced in Part 6.

In classic "Zero Hour" fashion, the world fades into white nothingness as the Timeline is torn to pieces.


PostPosted: December 7th, 2009, 10:28 pm 
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I love this story! I feel bad for "Ghostbusters 2000" though. :oops: since they don't really exist (as Ghostbusters anyway).

"I love mankind, it's people I can't stand."--Linus van Pelt from the Peanuts Cartoons. Yay I have Doberman rank!

PostPosted: July 28th, 2010, 7:13 am 
Extreme Ghostbuster
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I've just started reading these stories and they're really keen. Egon and Janine are my favorite pairing right about Peter and Dana. I've been trying to read the forums and the stories but there is still one question I can't seem to answer.

In Gemini Rising Eden mentions that Louis eventually marries someone else after Janine and another chapter Nodus remarks their child. I was wondering could you tell me what happened to Louis's life after Janine or at least point me in the right direction?

PostPosted: July 28th, 2010, 9:54 am 
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Welcome to the Ectozone.


When the story was written, the reference to Louis's post-Janine relationship was intended to refer to a woman named Samantha Jessome. She was a creation of fan writer Yami Mirai, who has, unfortunately, not been seen on these boards for over three years.

Since she never finished the story, and hasn't been on these boards in so long, the story is not necessarily still part of our "fanon", but nobody has yet contradicted it either.


PostPosted: September 7th, 2010, 2:03 am 
Extreme Ghostbuster
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You know, I just thought of something. The interesting point of this story (from what I way able to understand) is that both Nodus and Egon are the same person but Nodus is the version without Janine in his life.

Do you think Peter is that attached to Dana? I mean, especially the Real Ghostbuster version where it admits to taking after the first movie but Peter seems to go after every girl available. I've also heard some complaints from my friends that the 2nd movie had toned him down and that he was suppose to be more of ladies man.

Anyway, personal opinion: Do you think Peter loves Dana or is she more of a fling to him? What would his life be without her?

PostPosted: September 7th, 2010, 12:34 pm 
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I don't think we can judge from just the first movie, because all relationships start out being not so serious, a case of "I find you attractive, let's go out once or twice and see what happens."

So while Peter IS inherently a little sleazy and con-artist-y, and that's gonna bleed over into his dating practices and views of women, that doesn't mean he's incapable of serious commitment if he found someone who was worth committing to, and GB2 basically says he flaked out eventually, but here we are five years later and via hindsight and regrets and such, he's finally decided Dana is the one worth committing to.


PostPosted: September 7th, 2010, 4:29 pm 
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Appearances to the contrary, I don't consider Janine the sole reason the "real" Egon didn't become Nodus--go back and reread "Nodus", and the other three Ghostbusters are duly credited for his refusal of Sarim-Lar's power.

As for Venkman and Dana...well, I pretty much agree with Jeff. Maybe Venkman didn't really consider her all that more notable than any of his other girlfriends...until he lost her, and it started to really bug him in a way no other had.

Admittedly, in the RGB era, there was nothing said about her outside the movies, but since the first movie was, after all, the genesis of the whole property, I always considered her the most important of Venkman's love interests. He threw himself into shallow relationship just to try and take his mind off of her, and it was all he knew from before he met her.

Without Rosey's stories establishing the successful version of Peter and Dana's relationship, I would have undoubtedly made Venkman the sort of pathetic perpetual loser frat boy some fans still want him to be, but I I would have regarded him being alone after all of these as a bad thing. (No Joe Q am I) Dana was his secret hurt--the one that got away that he really loved.

I hint at it in this Apocrypha here:


PostPosted: November 29th, 2010, 9:44 am 
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Well... where shall I start...

If there has been the single reason I joined these boards, it's just to thank Fritz for this story. All the good words I can say here are just a shadow of what I truly think of it. It's... just that: a total masterpiece of a Ghostbusters story, a real tour de force, a...

Well, in order not to make this sound unsubstantiated... It's not even the intriguing and totally unexpected storyline that drew me to it in the first place, and not the extremely well written script (though both are there). But it's the total immersion into the universe, when Fritz took every idiotic cliche and discrepancy induced by multiple writers that didn't give a toss about the integrity of the franchise and twisted them right into the place. Even JGB which looked unbelievably stupid and tacked on. This is also an epic kind of story that is somewhat missed among RGB cartoons. Not to mention that it's well written and the reader is kept on high alert right until the end.

So big thanks to Fritz for this. Even if he had written nothing except this (and The Zodiac Imperative which is almost as dynamic, if less all-encompassing) his place in the Patheon would have been secured nonetheless.

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