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PostPosted: June 20th, 2009, 11:30 pm 
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I thought it was a juvenile expression of the Ghostbusters because of the way they looked and the way the animation was done. I really thought it was for kids and that was fine. Licensing was appropriate and profitable for us.

Err, yeah, it appears he's dissing much of the entire thing, and simply grateful that it made him money. Nice.

Personally, I think it's shitty that he thought it was a 'juvenile' expression of the Ghostbusters...the Slimer episodes yes, and maybe Ray was 'dumbed down' a tad too much, but it's pretty shitty when the fans have more appreciation for something than the pioneers actually do.

Whatever, man.

And as for the way the 'animation' was done, at the time, it was pretty as good as it could get, at the time. It had great effects, etc. It's not like they made the characters pre-teens, for crikeys sakes...they were grown ass adults, with real personality flaws and Peter was what one would call a 'pimp' by today's standards...some episodes the quality clearly sucked as if the animators were getting 'tired' of drawing (we all know what episodes these are) so if these are the ones he is referring to, then I don't blame him...but it seems like he doesn't give a crap about the entire thing, which is what kept Ghostbusters alive for so long. So I don't blame people for being offended...

But he's entitled to his own opinion. As everyone else is.

PostPosted: June 21st, 2009, 1:15 am 

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The quote you just posted SPECIFICALLY states "The way they looked and the way the animation was done" How in the blue hell can you think that based on something that supports what I said MORE? UGH! :evil:

Also, why SHOULD he care about it that much? If he really was the way you are making him out to be, he wouldnt have allowed the show to go forward AT ALL. It's not like he stepped in halfway through the series and was like "No, you guys are gonna change all these things" just because he didnt like it (unlike a man named Bill Murray, who was so anal retentive about his likeness rights that he must've had Venkman crammed up his ass)

Also, if you REALLY wanna get down to specifics, people... I've heard people talk about how "Ramis and Aykroyd are only batting 500", well the RGB people didnt exactly do much better. Slimer! and the Real Ghostbusters was a step above the damn teletubbies and a lot of the RGB stuff (to put a time stamp on it, around the time when Louis was stuck in there for no reason and Janine had her "new look") was utter trash. And when it comes to Extreme Ghostbusters... It was mediocre at best. So yeah, RGB is "batting" about the same. And I dont wanna hear another word about Egon and Janine, because does it make sense for them to get together? Sure it does! Did it happen in ANYTHING of the actual Ghostbusters media material? Nope. You guys all talk about how they blew it off in GB2 and whatnot, well, I didnt see them hooked up by the time Extreme Ghostbusters rolled around.

PostPosted: June 21st, 2009, 2:05 pm 
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rgbforever wrote:
Peter was what one would call a 'pimp' by today's standards...

Lol. No. Just... No. Far from it, in fact.

rgbforever wrote:
but it seems like he doesn't give a crap about the entire thing, which is what kept Ghostbusters alive for so long. So I don't blame people for being offended...

I'd love someone to tell me what is NOT juvenile or kid-friendly about RGB because to be frank, most of it was. The guy is stating a fact, and you guys are all over his case about it? Seriously? Is that where we are, now? Not only is the game getting royally bashed to hell simply for existing, but Ramis is now being bashed for stating a fact. 

For him to say that an 80s cartoon which turned a terrifying 100ft marshmallow man into a cuddly giant with a heart of gold and made Slimer a household pet rather than a non-speaking slimeball was 'kid-friendly' and 'juvenile', is NOT a great insult toward RGB. There is nothing about RGB which was created purely for adults in mind. They made Ray an adult child who sleeps with stuffed toys and in one episode asks for a bedtime story to be read to him (this characterisation is a complete change from the character of Ray Stantz in the film). Neither Ray nor Peter smoked in the cartoon series when they did in the film. I've already mentioned the changes to Stay-Puft and Slimer, but there are numerous other examples of a certain 'dumbing down' which had to be made in order to translate to a Saturday morning kid's show. Like it or not, some of what Ramis created or established in the film had to be toned down, made 'kid friendly' and 'juvenile' in order to be a children's cartoon series in the first place. Why people don't seem to understand this, is quite beyond me. Why people seem to think this is a criticism of RGB is also beyond me. 

That it made him money was also a statement of fact, by the way. I just wonder what would actually please you? Maybe you'd prefer him to say that RGB was better than the movie which he wrote, created and had a major part in? Of course. That makes perfect sense.  :roll:

I know some of you guys criticise those who proclaim the Movie as the next best thing to God-like ('movie-purist' I think is the term frequently used to describe them), but it is equally as irritating to read people treating the cartoon series as a flawless piece of work worthy of the utmost praise and affection, or to elevate its status as something more than a successful 80s children's cartoon based off of the film. 

"Welcome to Britain. We have prevailing south-westerly winds and 52% of our days are overcast so as a nation we are infused with a subtle melancholy -- leading to eccentricity, binge drinking and casual violence." - Bill Bailey.

PostPosted: June 21st, 2009, 4:30 pm 
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TheRazorsEdge wrote:
Oh like all freaking cartoons today are Flash?

Justice League Unlimited
Spectacular Spider-Man
Wolverine and the X-Men
Transformers Animated


Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends/90's Fox Spider-Man
90's Fox X-Men
and "G1" Transformers

That's 4 modern day cartoons just off the top of my head that are superior in EVERY conceivable category to their older counterparts.

From one (former) animation major to another, 80's animation is inferior, bottom line. If RGB were made today, same character designs, same scripts, same voice actors, and the ONLY thing changed was that it was drawn, painted, and animated using today's cleaner, more evolved techniques? It would look better. If you deny that, you're out of your goddamn mind.

Hell, I think XGB looks better visually than RGB.

Well, for starters I've only seen one of the four cartoons you listed under recent and Transformers Animated was one of the worse things on tv due to them dumbing down the whole series compared to the orginal in the 80's.

Todays overall cartoon landscape is a letdown to me, and the movie scene is only a little better.

As for the arguement that it would be cleaner today, that I can agree on. However, as crap as they are making animations due to the slim(E) budgets it would turn out worse. I have seen how story is second thought these days. Seriously, J. M. S. would have never worked on RGB's at todays standards. So in short, it may look better, but it wouldn't be as good.

Also, How did you conclude that EGB's is better in any way to RGB's? That plain doesn't make cents.


PostPosted: June 21st, 2009, 5:06 pm 

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I didnt say Extreme Ghostbusters was better, I said it was MEDIOCRE at best, you seem to forget that I'm coming from the standpoint of someone who LIKED The Real Ghostbusters. I, (and apparently I'm not the only one now) am simply stating that this bullshit attacking of Harold Ramis is unfounded and extremely fanboyish. You like the show better than the movie? Fine. But get off your high horses just because the guy likes his stuff better than a cartoon he had nothing to do with. It makes you sound ignorant.

PostPosted: June 21st, 2009, 5:57 pm 
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Mick Nielson wrote:
I didnt say Extreme Ghostbusters was better, I said it was MEDIOCRE at best, you seem to forget that I'm coming from the standpoint of someone who LIKED The Real Ghostbusters. I, (and apparently I'm not the only one now) am simply stating that this bullshit attacking of Harold Ramis is unfounded and extremely fanboyish. You like the show better than the movie? Fine. But get off your high horses just because the guy likes his stuff better than a cartoon he had nothing to do with. It makes you sound ignorant.

Actually, I was responding to "TheRazorsEdge". Not sure what to say to your off the wall weird wrong comments.

But yes I enjoy the RGB maybe too much and as such am a fanboy in a way.


PostPosted: June 21st, 2009, 6:12 pm 

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nikki wrote:
rgbforever wrote:

For him to say that an 80s cartoon which turned a terrifying 100ft marshmallow man into a cuddly giant with a heart of gold and made Slimer a household pet rather than a non-speaking slimeball was 'kid-friendly' and 'juvenile', is NOT a great insult toward RGB. There is nothing about RGB which was created purely for adults in mind. They made Ray an adult child who sleeps with stuffed toys and in one episode asks for a bedtime story to be read to him (this characterisation is a complete change from the character of Ray Stantz in the film). 

Um, no. Ray asked Peter for a bedtime story because he was 'getting into the role', as Winston said. And also to annoy Peter, probably.

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PostPosted: June 21st, 2009, 7:21 pm 

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Just or clarification, what was so "off the wall" about my comments? Because I was (gasp!) looking at something FAIRLY!? Perish the thought!

PostPosted: June 21st, 2009, 7:28 pm 
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Mick Nielson wrote:
Just or clarification, what was so "off the wall" about my comments? Because I was (gasp!) looking at something FAIRLY!? Perish the thought!

No I think you missread the thread thus far. please at least do me the favor, let me know who you are replying to in the thread. I don't have anything against you. Please don't fire unless you plan to hit some(one)thing.


PostPosted: June 21st, 2009, 7:42 pm 

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I'm directing my comments at everyone and anyone who fits the descriptions...

Blindly attacking the original creators because they A. Dont like the show as much as the stuff they were actually INVOLVED in. B. Dont like the animation style. C. Think the show was geared towards kids (WHICH IT WAS, thats just a fact).

Ignorantly hating on the Video Game just because it exists and uses the movie versions of the characters instead of the show.

Sitting on a high horse and saying "Well if its not RGB, then I'm gonna complain, because I like it, so anyone who disagrees with me is stupid."

So to sum up, my comments can be directed at ANYONE fitting that description. Thats all.

PostPosted: June 21st, 2009, 7:52 pm 
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Mick Nielson wrote:
I'm directing my comments at everyone and anyone who fits the descriptions...

Blindly attacking the original creators because they A. Dont like the show as much as the stuff they were actually INVOLVED in. B. Dont like the animation style. C. Think the show was geared towards kids (WHICH IT WAS, thats just a fact).

Ignorantly hating on the Video Game just because it exists and uses the movie versions of the characters instead of the show.

Sitting on a high horse and saying "Well if its not RGB, then I'm gonna complain, because I like it, so anyone who disagrees with me is stupid."

So to sum up, my comments can be directed at ANYONE fitting that description. Thats all.

Ok I guess I had that one coming. Anyways, Yes I love RGB, but I'm enjoying the game, and it lived up to what I was looking for. I also must say the styled version is fun too.

I already said my peace on the whole Harold Ramis comments. Its back on the first page.


PostPosted: June 21st, 2009, 8:17 pm 
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The Joker wrote:
Um, no. Ray asked Peter for a bedtime story because he was 'getting into the role', as Winston said. And also to annoy Peter, probably.

It wasn't exactly out of character for RGB Ray to ask such a thing though, was it? 'Getting into the role' or not, the character of Ray in RGB was more child-like than he was in the film. My point stands, man.

"Welcome to Britain. We have prevailing south-westerly winds and 52% of our days are overcast so as a nation we are infused with a subtle melancholy -- leading to eccentricity, binge drinking and casual violence." - Bill Bailey.

PostPosted: June 22nd, 2009, 2:10 am 
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It seems to me that Ray in the game is a bit more like RGB ray or a pricked blend of both .



pleas parden my speling but I'm a littel dislexik and can't tipe whel

PostPosted: June 22nd, 2009, 2:58 am 

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No. Ray in the game is NOTHING like RGB Ray. He doesnt spend his time talking about cartoon shows and playing with toys, he reminisces one time about the fact that he used to play "Ghosts & Gargoyles" when he was a kid, then the rest of the time he's an intelligent, badass Occult expert, just like in the movies.

PostPosted: June 22nd, 2009, 2:25 pm 
I Have No Life
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Mick get off it for just a bit you should know me better then that . I meant his enthusiasm . His reaction to the gray lady as they are driving in the Ecto 1 seems a bit more RGB ray to me .

He's just so dam energetic throughout the game It reminds me of RGB Ray .



pleas parden my speling but I'm a littel dislexik and can't tipe whel

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