
Ghostbusters: Crossing Over #3
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Author:  Fritz [ March 2nd, 2018, 7:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Ghostbusters: Crossing Over #3

(W) Erik Burnham (A/CA) Dan Schoening
Well, that wasn't such a chore, now, was it? With a little help from another dimension or two, the Ghostbusters seem to be on pace to put paid to their present paranormal problem! Except this is only Part 3, which might mean bad news for the boys and girls in gray! Crossing Over, a celebration of all things Ghostbusters, continues here!
In Shops: May 23, 2018
SRP: $3.99

I can't help but ask...why in the hell is Janine back in that bland GB1ish haircut from Get Real through GB101? They gave her the "cartoony" video game one in TMNTGB2 and it looked better. Can't they keep track of their own continuity anymore?

Author:  HauntedWallflower [ March 11th, 2018, 5:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ghostbusters: Crossing Over #3

I have it on good authority that it's a quirk of Dan's. He like playing around with Janine's hair styles, cos he often gets tired of drawing her the same way. Being a RGB fan can do that to ya.

Author:  HauntedWallflower [ May 15th, 2018, 4:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ghostbusters: Crossing Over #3

Posting here, cos we're done with CO #2 and waiting for the next June. UGH.

We've got ourselves a Janine card!!!!

Author:  Moonchild [ May 15th, 2018, 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ghostbusters: Crossing Over #3

I love how absolutely grumpy she looks in that card.

Author:  Fritz [ June 2nd, 2018, 9:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ghostbusters: Crossing Over #3

Spook Central Preview of GBCO#3

Author:  HauntedWallflower [ June 6th, 2018, 4:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ghostbusters: Crossing Over #3

One of my speculations was that it would be Kevin talking to Peck back in GBFans and I was right! Now Peck better recruit Kevin over Janine and make me right again, so that mrmichaelt can eat his words LOL And if that doesn't happen, then all's fair in love and fandom.

And YES! After months of hoping and praying for EGB Egon, he appears!!! Unfortunately, we didn't get to see Prime Egon and Janine's reaction to how he resembled Fritz's ersatz namesake LOL. All we get from Kevin is that Janine decided to jump into the fray, to avoid confronting EGB Egon and getting an "I told you so" from her Egon regarding THAT flowchart.

Not only did we get Tiamat's promised appearance, we get the grandmother of all famous last lines and I still can't believe what I've read. :shock: That last page really IS super-key!!!

Author:  nikki [ June 6th, 2018, 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ghostbusters: Crossing Over #3

Does this mean that they have been dimensionally displaced since the explosion, like everything that is going on is within a pocket dimension that is not their own, and Tiamat is controlling it?

Interesting that Kevin has (temporarily) stepped into Janine's prospective job and done it quite well. I take back my thoughts about him; maybe Peck could recruit him in her place. And Egon persuaded her to go interdimensional travelling - hope that decision doesn't bite them both on the butt later on. Because I'm thinking that if Tiamat is watching what's going on, she now knows that Janine is wanted by both Peck and Egon, which establishes how vital she is to the Ghostbusters, and puts a mega huge target on her back.

I'm beginning to settle into this series, after there was waaay too much of Ron being a total, irredeemable jerk.

Author:  HauntedWallflower [ June 6th, 2018, 8:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ghostbusters: Crossing Over #3

It always made sense for Kevin to be my first choice as Peck's recruit if she refused. Also, Janine may have influence on the GBs, but she has influence over Kevin as well, which means he could tell her anything if he does get recruited.

I like to think that Egon did ask her to travel interdimensionally. And even if he didn't ask, she's got better use of the toys than Kevin or the 101 kids anyway. But we never saw him ask her though? That's why I interpreted EGB Egon's appearance as Janine deciding to travel so that she could avoid talking to both Egons about how much he looks like Roger or something.

Author:  nikki [ June 7th, 2018, 11:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ghostbusters: Crossing Over #3

The only issue I have with Kevin, is if Peck wants to issue orders to the guys. Reporting back to Peck is one thing, but, like Peck said earlier, he wants to keep a level of control over the GBs that I can imagine Janine doing relatively easily, but Kevin might struggle with. Might be a moot point if Jenny becomes human again, though. Just throwing that out there as another wildcard possibility. 

Y'know, I would have loved to have seen Egon persuading Janine to go dimension-hopping. We seem to miss out on seeing all the good stuff going on between them. :lol: 8-)

Author:  Fritz [ June 7th, 2018, 4:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ghostbusters: Crossing Over #3

nikki wrote:
Y'know, I would have loved to have seen Egon persuading Janine to go dimension-hopping. We seem to miss out on seeing all the good stuff going on between them. :lol: 8-)

Oh, but that would have taken time away from Ron Alexander!!! :roll:

Author:  Moonchild [ June 7th, 2018, 5:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ghostbusters: Crossing Over #3

I loved the panels where they revealed Egon was the one to talk Janine into going 'cause

-OK, so RGB Egon can probably ask her for a favor using the puppy-eyed look, we've seen the guys do it for asking her for her car, but I gotta wonder HOW does Prime!Egon go about asking her for a favor she isn't really keen on granting (If we assume the case wasn't that he just said 'We need every pair of hands we can use' and she was like 'ugh FIIIIINE') . I'm partial for him having to outright tell her they needed her specifically, despite knowing they could have well managed without one more person, because he knows Peck's trying to hire her and doesn't want to give him a chance just yet.

-Kevin tells Peck 'Who do you THINK?', which implies literally everyone knows Janine and Egon have a thing going on. His face when he says it, too. It's like "Well, duh". I'm sure if Ray tried to talk Janine into something he'd be good at it as well, but the fact that the 'Go to' was Egon just really speaks volumes for the way the rest of the team sees them and their relationship.

-I feel like Peck normally wouldn't care WHO told him as long as someone told him, so it was a bit surprising to see him directly asking for Janine. If, for whatever reason, he's DETERMINED to have Janine come work with him, he might have to confront the guys coughcoughEGONcough about it, which... Imma be honest, is just a setting for drama, but it's a drama I'd welcome for once.

Now, for something completely different: I'm really starting to think the entity that took Dana's form before to get to Peter wasn't Tiamat.

Author:  HauntedWallflower [ June 9th, 2018, 5:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ghostbusters: Crossing Over #3

Moonchild wrote:
Now, for something completely different: I'm really starting to think the entity that took Dana's form before to get to Peter wasn't Tiamat.

I headcanoned that Peter got his own Spirit Guide, but between the being taking Dana's appearance, Tiamat's return and a mostly unwelcome arrival in CO #6, *coughLouisTullycough* I'm beginning to think there's an even bigger curveball and a possible ass-pull on the horizon.

Author:  Moonchild [ June 10th, 2018, 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ghostbusters: Crossing Over #3

Regarding Peter's possible guardian spirit, I have two thoughts on it:

I have a pet crack-theory that Pazuzu (The spirit that possessed Regan McNeil in 'The Exorcist' according to the book, and an actual sumerian/asirian demon) is gonna make an appearance, since in one of the myths where he's featured he's mentioned to have been able to fool and steal stuff from Tiamat herself. It has been brought to my attention that Marduk would be a better choice to face Tiamat, which I have to agree with, but somehow I think if Marduk did make an appearance, he'd be Winston's guardian instead. Since Winston's... you know, the pure of soul one, as opposed to Peter. Pazuzu would resonate more with Peter's vibe of being a trickster and a potency of both good and evil depending the time.


Aibell's doing her comeback in this arc as well. Which I welcome because I love her even though she scares the living bejeezus out of me, and brings about the possibility to bring Jenny back. She does seem to have taken a liking to Peter, after all, and it seems like a real waste to just use her for arc and a half and then forget about her.

Author:  HauntedWallflower [ June 12th, 2018, 3:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ghostbusters: Crossing Over #3

Moonchild wrote:
Regarding Peter's possible guardian spirit, I have two thoughts on it:

I have a pet crack-theory that Pazuzu (The spirit that possessed Regan McNeil in 'The Exorcist' according to the book, and an actual Sumerian/Assyrian demon) is gonna make an appearance, since in one of the myths where he's featured he's mentioned to have been able to fool and steal stuff from Tiamat herself. It has been brought to my attention that Marduk would be a better choice to face Tiamat, which I have to agree with, but somehow I think if Marduk did make an appearance, he'd be Winston's guardian instead. Since Winston's... you know, the pure of soul one, as opposed to Peter. Pazuzu would resonate more with Peter's vibe of being a trickster and a potency of both good and evil depending the time.


Aibell's doing her comeback in this arc as well. Which I welcome because I love her even though she scares the living bejeezus out of me, and brings about the possibility to bring Jenny back. She does seem to have taken a liking to Peter, after all, and it seems like a real waste to just use her for arc and a half and then forget about her.

Oh yay, you got my Ask! And yes, Aibell would be great to see! It's just that the last time Peter went full-psychologist at her, she got mad, so....Y'know, stereotypical Irish grudges....Anywho, it kinda would make sense that Winston could face down Tiamat, considering the hell she gave him, cos Peter doesn't have a legit reason. Then again, I want it to be Janine who faces her. Also, considering Louis will appear in CO #6, I predict that it won't be actual Louis, but an alternate version of him, or a ghost taking his appearance for kicks or something, just like how we didn't get actual Dana, but just a manifestation of her appearance.

Author:  HauntedWallflower [ June 16th, 2018, 3:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ghostbusters: Crossing Over #3

Mrmichaelt posted this over at GBF. Next arc/s won't necessarily have a dimensional component, it seems....

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