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PostPosted: April 27th, 2013, 11:18 am 
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Fritz Babbles About Ghostbusters #3 (or #19 if you've really been paying attention)

I guess the joke I'm surprised I haven't made yet, inspired by this month's cover: Whelp, I guess we can say Janine finally got into Egon's pants, right?

Not the way she (or a bunch of us fans) wanted her too, but still...

So, you know the old saying about "When it rains it pours"? Yeah, that's kinda happening at GBCentral right now. Bad enough it's been raining (the real Ghostbusters are missing, Jack Hardemeyer is making the New Ghostbusters' lives difficult, Ron "And You're Not" Alexander...just being Ron Alexander, ect) then it just has to pour a seven foot glowy Viking who wants to talk with Janine.

I like to think if Egon was there, Mr. Glowy Viking's initial stern cryptic non-English statements would have been met with a reply in a similarly Gothic font, but Egon isn't there and of course that's part of the aforementioned rain above.

So, after switching to English Mr. Glowy Viking says Janine is of his bloodline, and has to pass a test that will involve her being attacked at midnight by Grendel, which as we all know is a 1980's independent comic created by Matt Wagner. Oh, and it was also the monster in Beowulf, too, which is probably what the Glowy Viking meant.

Hardemeyer is told part of the story, and of course wants to use it as an event to sell Yummynummy Snack Cakes ("You all eat them you know" he says. Of course, the guy who ate most of them has been missing for the last few months, but hey, can't have everything). Janine wisely lies and tells Hardemeyer they have no idea when Grendel is coming, which means she doesn't get to have a camera crew follow her around; Hardemeyer tells Ron to whip up some fancy new gadgets, no doubt so the toy company (being the Nineties, it would still be Kenner) would have new product to sell.

Kylie, meanwhile, is at Parkview, dealing with Dr. Cleese and Dr. Poha, one of which is a sexist jerk and the other is, of course, possessed. She's actually waving around the EGB version of the PKE Meter (Also seen on her cover of #1) and wearing the helmet Ray and Egon devised to see invisible poltergeists in "Cry Uncle". She gets called by Janine as she's dealing with Poha, who's floating and also speaking in photonegative Gothic font--turns out Janine did have like a Swedish great uncle or something. Kylie says it should be a piece of cake, and hangs up because she's got a situation of her own right now.

(Fan speculation suggests Janine is of Jewish extraction, which just happens to also give her common ground with Egon, who's also suggested to have come from a Jewish background--the latter being derived from Harold Ramis's background. I personally suggested her maternal grandmother was Irish, to explain the bright red hair, but of course that's totally fanon. Suffice it to say, it's easy to stick some Swedes in there somewhere.)

Ron has whipped up a couple of arm-mounted proton throwers, one the "normal" version, the other an enhanced "Boson dart"; Janine isn't real happy about it, but the bell rings and 3/4 of the New Ghostbusters team is off and running...well, actually, they're probably driving in the ECTO-1, but you know what I mean.

They arrive at Times Square and...well, what do you know, it's Grendel, and he's early...except as Ortiz points out it IS midnight in Sweden. Ooops.

Just to make Janine's already bad day worse, Grendel seems to be proton proof--Ron and Ortiz blast it, but it ignores it and knocks them around like they were puny humans and it was a ten foot tall glowing green monkey...which is of course exactly what it is, so that works. All Janine can do is run.

Finally, tired of running, she follows Kylie's advice and stands up to Grendel. That turns out to work--the monster just stands there dumbstruck, and she traps it easily. The Glowy Viking shows up and congratulates her on her victory, and expresses pride in her bravery, right?

No, actually, Mr. Glowy Viking is pissed. She broke the rules that he didn't even tell her about by getting help from others! "There will be consequences for this!" he says.

Another monster coming, maybe? Maybe it'll be Grendel's Mom. Oooh yeah...Angelina Jolie wearing nothing but some gold body paint...I could go for that idea...

But then Mr. Glowy Viking seems to blow up, and out of the chaos comes four shadowy shapes and the voices of Arsenio Hall, Lorenzo Music, and Maurice LaMarche...

The universe isn't gone! The real Ghostbusters are back!

And then Janine grabs Egon and kisses him, which as we all know is an infuriating turn of events as Harold Ramis has declared that Louis Tully is her true love and how dare...




...Gah...even writing that sarcastically makes me want to barf all over my keyboard...

Considering that Egon's been gone for months, they might have been dead, and Janine's had plenty of time to consider the implications of the argument they had in #14, I foresee a sticky situation about to get a lot stickier.

The other Ghostbusters get lesser shocks, as they discover that they've been gone for months instead of hours; Venkman is (understandably) not pleased to see Ron out of jail; Ron, for his part, is the only New Ghostbuster not happy the originals are back--because he knows his gravy train is now in jeopardy. Winston, of course, is freaking out about how Tiyah's been holding up.

Janine had tried to give Winston her phone, but Venkman intercepts--according to him, it'd be better to tell Tiyah in person. Yeah, we all know Venkman has a sterling track record on long-term romantic relationships here. Anyway, the phone rings, and it's Kylie--the situation with Poha is betting a LOT worse. "Could you maybe put Dr. Spengler on the line now, mkay?"

Like I said, it rains, it pours...

In our backup feature, Sam and Ralph are still in the Containment Unit, and Sam talks about all the fear floating much fear...and then he starts to change...

See everybody next month.


PostPosted: April 30th, 2013, 8:08 pm 
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No reactions?




PostPosted: May 1st, 2013, 6:26 pm 
I Have No Life
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Ok, well, I have a reaction to the fact that you didn't really have that much of a reaction. I thought you'd have a lot more to say, personally. You just sort of made two joking nods and then summarized the issue.

So is this scene something that satisfies you? Or is it just a jumping off place for their relationship for you? Did you expect a bigger reaction from Egon? Or the others?

Personally, I think it would been out of character for her not to have done that, I wish the others, especially Egon, would have said more in reaction, but maybe they will in the next issue. I wish Egon had wrapped his arms around her and returned some affection. If he's jealous of Roger then he should have reveled in that reaction.

SO. Egon and Janine both want to be together, Roger is in the way, and Egon has to rescue her in the next few issues. Wonder how Roger will be moved out of the picture?

Or if he will because some of Eric's tweets,posts, etc. have me worried that he can't actually make them an item. Which would ruin it for me. I do not want the whole comic book will they or not and the alternate universe weddings, and marrying robots when they think they are marrying the other person stuff. I've been waiting literally my whole life for them to get together and would be really upset if they didn't in this opportunity.

On another point of the issue, I don't understand the remark about Peter being right about Winston not calling Tiyah ASAP to let her know he is ok. I'm a girl and I would be ticked if my man didn't call me to let me know he was alive at the very first opportunity. Makes me wonder if he's not setting the relationship up for failure, because him just showing up at her door after disappearing for months may lead to an awkward situation where she is home with he new boyfriend or something. Apparently, she had let go of him coming back based on what she said to Janine. But she was still wearing the ring, so...

Peter: "Huh. Guess we're not welcome."
Winston: "Not welcome, there's a first. We should all get nametags that say, 'Hello, I'm not welcome'. Or maybe Tshirts or mugs or something."
--Ghostbusters the video game

PostPosted: May 1st, 2013, 8:42 pm 
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ghostdiva wrote:
If he's jealous of Roger then he should have reveled in that reaction.

Lol. Not with the others watching, he wouldn't. Maybe if they were both alone... ;)

ghostdiva wrote:
Wonder how Roger will be moved out of the picture?

However it is, I'm hoping for his sake it's quick and painless. :mrgreen:

ghostdiva wrote:
Or if he will because some of Eric's tweets,posts, etc. have me worried that he can't actually make them an item.

Yeah, I'm getting that impression, too. It's like he's been dropping a few hints here and there that Sony might not allow it for some reason.

That would bug the hell out of me, too. I mean, if Winston can get engaged (even if he doesn't get married in the end, it's still a pretty major thing for his character), then why the hell can't Egon and Janine be an item? What's the difference, property rights-wise?

"Welcome to Britain. We have prevailing south-westerly winds and 52% of our days are overcast so as a nation we are infused with a subtle melancholy -- leading to eccentricity, binge drinking and casual violence." - Bill Bailey.

PostPosted: May 1st, 2013, 9:22 pm 
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Now this is more like it...

ghostdiva wrote:
Ok, well, I have a reaction to the fact that you didn't really have that much of a reaction. I thought you'd have a lot more to say, personally. You just sort of made two joking nods and then summarized the issue.

So is this scene something that satisfies you? Or is it just a jumping off place for their relationship for you? Did you expect a bigger reaction from Egon? Or the others?

I guess it comes down to this: I start to get a little afraid of sounding like some of the overwrought fanbrats of other properties who pick over every single moment of something and judge every little event as to whether it supports or contradicts their "One True Pairing". I guess I feel like I've made my sentiments on the matter plain over the years; I certainly haven't changed my opinion on the matter, but I worry I've belabored it so much it's pretty much "Oh, it's that guy."

"Satisfied"? No. Extremely pleased at this turn of events? Immensely. It's not the end all by itself, but it's a potential turning point. Remember: the last time we saw them interact on-camera, she was basically telling him off.

Personally, I think it would been out of character for her not to have done that, I wish the others, especially Egon, would have said more in reaction, but maybe they will in the next issue. I wish Egon had wrapped his arms around her and returned some affection. If he's jealous of Roger then he should have reveled in that reaction.

Well, to support what nikki said, he only just got back from a very unnerving situation. Spontaneity is pretty anathema to Egon's character--and it's not like he spent months agonizing over whether he'd ever see her again. From his point of view, he was only gone a few hours, and spent all of that time on the intellectual problem of finding a way back home.

SO. Egon and Janine both want to be together, Roger is in the way, and Egon has to rescue her in the next few issues. Wonder how Roger will be moved out of the picture?

We know it just can't be that simple. Louis was easy to chunk overboard--he was a putz. Roger's...well, obviously, he's a lot closer to what she really wants. Things haven't exactly been "normal", but when they get closer to that she's got to sort everything out for herself--I think even if she does decide she wants to go to Egon, she's also going to have a hard time dealing with the idea of hurting Roger. He does seem to have been very good to her.

Or if he will because some of Eric's tweets,posts, etc. have me worried that he can't actually make them an item.

Yeah, that's the big potential fuckup to the situation--licensed property politics. Whether it's because of Ramis, or just corporate fear of overly changing the status quo outside of an actual movie, there may be nothing anybody at IDW can do about it.

It would fucking suck. It would fucking suck ass with teeth.

On another point of the issue, I don't understand the remark about Peter being right about Winston not calling Tiyah ASAP to let her know he is ok. I'm a girl and I would be ticked if my man didn't call me to let me know he was alive at the very first opportunity.

Oh, I totally agreed with that--I mean, the advice came from Venkman. Who does not have a spotless history in managing long-term relationships--especially as, in this universe, it's quite clear he's enough of a loser to have blown it with Dana twice. I honestly kinda wish Winston would have pointed that out to him and told him to stuff it.

That would bug the hell out of me, too. I mean, if Winston can get engaged (even if he doesn't get married in the end, it's still a pretty major thing for his character), then why the hell can't Egon and Janine be an item? What's the difference, property rights-wise?

Well, duh, Egon's one of the IMPORTANT characters, but Winston's not. [/SARCASM]


PostPosted: May 1st, 2013, 10:46 pm 
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I could not move ahead with anything that majorly changes canon without express permission from Sony, no.

Some of the things we've done already they've taken under consideration and asked us not to repeat, which is wholly fair.

So yes, if you see no particular forward movement on any given thing, it won't be unfair to assume that I was either told "no" or "not right now." I can't comment specifically on things further than that.

As far as other relationships, bringing in an original minor character is always going to be different. If there's a breakup, or if Roger/Tiyah/Jenny/etc. are dumped from the book, the cast and audience will rebound with little in the way of negative aftereffects.

I would like to thank you guys for all your support. In other news, we're just now cooking up some fun ideas for the 30th, and Dan and I are planning a Halloween issue.


Thank you for your indulgence!

PostPosted: May 11th, 2013, 3:55 am 
I Have No Life
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eburnham wrote:

So yes, if you see no particular forward movement on any given thing, it won't be unfair to assume that I was either told "no" or "[url]not right now.[/url]" I can't comment specifically on things further than that.

I was going to point that out as well. we want the the books to continue for a long time and what do we do if Egon and janine. It would be too soon. I mane were would we go from there ?

also eburnham if you see this and it does come time for Egon and janine to hook up or tie the not. I say do a online pole or have call in or something. let the fans decide.



pleas parden my speling but I'm a littel dislexik and can't tipe whel

PostPosted: May 11th, 2013, 8:26 am 
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jason knetge wrote:
I was going to point that out as well. we want the the books to continue for a long time and what do we do if Egon and janine. It would be too soon. I mane were would we go from there ?

Too soon? 29 years of waiting, and I think it's waaaaay past time. The Egon/Janine will they/won't they has played itself out. I mean, sure, Janine can continue to pine over Egon while he creates more passive-agressive flow charts whenever she dares to date someone else, and we could have that scenario repeated ad nauseum for thirty more issues, but wouldn't it be more interesting to see them finally move forward, go out on a couple of dates, and see where it takes them?

"Welcome to Britain. We have prevailing south-westerly winds and 52% of our days are overcast so as a nation we are infused with a subtle melancholy -- leading to eccentricity, binge drinking and casual violence." - Bill Bailey.

PostPosted: May 12th, 2013, 10:45 pm 
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to soon as far as the comic I ment. I would be willy to have them hold that off till #50 or 60.



pleas parden my speling but I'm a littel dislexik and can't tipe whel

PostPosted: May 13th, 2013, 3:54 pm 
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Yes, that's what I meant, too. We're currently at issue #20, so to hold it off until #50 or 60, that's going to be 30 or 40 more comic issues where the Egon/Janine relationship stays in the same situation it is now. That's two or three more years of trying to keep their audience interested in something that won't progress much in order to reach payoff at some unspecified moment in the future.

After Roger leaves, I just can't imagine many more unique ways they can take the E/J will they/won't they before it starts to get repetitive. It kind of feels like after 29 years we've already seen Egon get jealous of other guys and Janine flirting with Egon while he remains ignorant of it. What would keep it interesting if we get 30 or 40 more issues of the same kind of stuff we've seen before?

Hell, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe they could get some interesting storylines out of the will they/won't they for many more issues, but when I'm already feeling that the Roger situation is treading some old ground, I just wonder how much more of it they can do. Having them an item now means a completely blank slate for future issues because it's never been done before. Who knows what'll happen then, but I think it'll sure be fun to find out. :mrgreen:

"Welcome to Britain. We have prevailing south-westerly winds and 52% of our days are overcast so as a nation we are infused with a subtle melancholy -- leading to eccentricity, binge drinking and casual violence." - Bill Bailey.

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