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 Post subject: Skating Party Fic
PostPosted: August 25th, 2007, 12:20 pm 
I Have No Life
I Have No Life
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Joined: August 24th, 2007, 9:10 pm
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Location: Cleveland, Ohio
Zodiac: Pisces
Title: Skating Party
Author: Shafarah White
Beta: Susie Owens
Disclaimer: I don't own the Real Ghostbusters or Elaine Furman. Only Julianna Raelynn and Carlton James I own.

Rating: G

Ecto had pulled up at the skating rink; the guys had received a call from the owner, Mr. Jones. He told them that he had a ghost inside the rink that was causing a lot of trouble. He told his employers to make sure that everyone was outside after everyone was safe, he ran up towards the guys.

"Hurry! It's inside and it's causing a lot of trouble. I'm having a big skating party tonight." he said, his voice was crackling and he was scared.

"Not to worry sir, you've called the right people and we'll get the ghost out of there." Ray replied as his eyes lit up like fireworks and he placed his thrower in his hand ready to have fun.

The guys headed inside. As soon as they were inside, they started searching the whole area, Egon looked at the PKE meter. "Gentlemen, this might be a tough one; this ghost is in the range of a class 7." he said.

"Well, that's not too bad." Peter said sarcastically, "I thought it would be a class 15." The others gave him a look as they kept on walking down the area.

Suddenly, they heard a loud noise coming from the game room. They ran in and saw the ghost who just having itself a good time and causing a lot of trouble.

Peter had started up his proton gun, "Come on guys, and let’s get that sucker."

They chased the ghost. It was going to take a while to catch since it was a class 7.

"Ray, you take the south side, Egon, the north side, Winston, the east side and I'll come on the west side!" Peter shouted over the noise of the ghost was making. Once they were in position, Peter shouted, "Now! Let's bag this bugger so we can go home!"

The ghost was a show off; he had no fear of the Ghostbusters at all. He stuck his tongue out at them managing to avoid their rays.

"He's going to get careless!" Winston shouted and sure enough, he did. Peter and Ray had him in their beams. Winston threw out the trap and stepped on it, sucking the screaming ghost in, finally he was caught. The guys headed out the rink to a crowd of cheering people. Mr. Jones ran over to them.

"Did you get it? Is it gone?"

Ray smiled and showed him the blinking trap. "Best fun I had all day."

The guys pulled up after a long afternoon. The guys were a bit messy, but sane enough.

Ray said, "Boy, those were some long calls, but they were great." he smiled.

Egon went downstairs to empty the traps. Peter was taking off his jumper, "Yeah, those maybe enjoyable to you Tex, I'm just a little tired from chasing all the spooks. I just want to crash on the couch."

Winston nodded in agreement, "Yeah, I have to agree with that, man. Hey, where are CJ and Jules at?"

"They should be at home, school just let out. I can't believe it. They're growing up so fast, in the sixth grade already, plus they told me that they're going to a skating party tonight at the place that we did the bust earlier today. It's starts at 6:30 tonight. I told them to have fun and be careful. Elaine and I may go, too. If we don't get too many calls. I hope we don't. Elaine told me to call if we're going." Ray replied.

"That sounds great and I used to go skating a lot when I was younger." Winston said. The others nodded in agreement.

A few minutes later, Egon came back up from emptying the traps. "Hey Egon, in a little while we're going back to the skating rink, they're having a party there. Are you going to invite Janine?" Peter asked, giving him a wink.

Egon blushed for a moment then replied calmly, "Of course I am, Peter."

"This is going to be great. I told Elaine about it and she's excited as well." Ray said. "We have to wait for her, she said she might be a little late getting off work." He added. "The kids told me, it starts at 6:30 and ends around at 11:30."

A couple hours later, everyone was all cleaned up and ready to go. Elaine was there as well; she got off a little early. She also couldn't wait to skate on the floor and have a great time. "Hey Ray, remember when we used to skate a lot back in Morrisville?" she asked, as she pinched her husband on the cheek playfully.

Ray blushed and smiled, "Yes, I remember."

Soon the guys, Janine and Elaine were ready to go. They all headed out.

At the rink, the kids were having a great time. They all saw their friends at school; CJ was hanging with his friends, Jason and Ronnie as they skated around the rink. Soon they decided to take a break at the refreshment bar getting something to eat.

Jules was talking to her new friend, Nicole as they were laughing together until Charlie and another boy named Chris asked them to skate with them. They both accepted.

CJ was talking to his friends, "This party is awesome so far! What do you guys think?"

Ronnie and Jason both nodded in agreement. "Yeah it is. They did a great job decorating this place up and they play good music." Ronnie replied.

"Yeah! And only the Ghostbusters to watch us." Jason added as the boys laughed together. "When they get here."

On the rink, Jules was holding Charlie's hand while they were skating around, while Nicole was holding Chris’; they were laughing and having a blast. "Hey, isn't this party great?" Nicole asked as they continued to skate.

Jules nodded, "It is and I'm glad that I have a partner to skate with. Right, Charlie?" She gave Charlie a beautiful smile that made him blush. Charlie smiled back at her.

"Yes, and I'm also glad that I have you for a skating partner, too."

Just then, the guys, Janine and Elaine walked in, they all paid for the skates. They took off their shoes and put them on. "This place looks great!" Ray declared. He then stood up and skated around.

"I agree. I can't wait to get on the rink." Winston agreed as he also skated.

Elaine smiled as she and Janine noticed Jules skating with Charlie holding each other's hand. "Awe, isn't that cute." Janine said.

Elaine who was still smiling, nodded, "Yes it is. Oh Janine, my baby girl's growing up."

Winston and Ray were also looking at Jules and Charlie. "Hey, they look so cute together. I really think that they like each other." Winston said, grinning at Ray.

Ray nodded his head as he watched them closely. "Yeah, but Jules is still not dating yet."

"Come on, guys. We don't want Ray and Winston to have all the fun; let's get on the rink." Peter said as the rest nodded and skated out on the rink.

The kids were having fun skating. CJ and his friends got back in to skate some more, as they were skating; they saw Peter and Winston skating right past them.

"Hey, kids!" Peter called.

Janine and Egon were skating together along with Ray and Elaine who had their arms around each other.

"Isn't this fun, sweetheart?" Ray smiled at his wife.

Elaine smiled back, "Yes, it is and I always thought that you were a great skater."

She said that caused Ray to turn a deep shade of red, while Elaine leaned over and kissed her husband on the cheek. Jules and Charlie continued to skate. Nicole and Chris decided to take a break. Once alone; Charlie said, "You're a great skater, Jules."

Jules smiled. "Thanks."

Charlie held her hand and squeezed it, "I like your personality, and you’re a very sweet girl." He smiled, and then he leaned forward and kissed Jules on the lips that made her blush. Elaine and Janine were near by and noticed.

"Awe, there goes my daughter getting her first kiss." Elaine said proudly.

Janine agreed smiling, "Yeah, and she looks so happy. I wondered what's Ray going to say."

"Oh, I can tell you what he'll say." Elaine clears her voice sounding a little like Ray. "Young lady, you're not dating until you're 16 no wait, 50 years old."

Both Elaine and Janine started giggling like teenagers. Jules skated over to them.

She had a love struck smile on her face, "Hi Mom, Aunt Janine." Jules replied.

Elaine smiled back, "Hi sweetie, that was so cute when Charlie kissed you. Did you enjoy it?"

Jules blushed a little, "Yes. I really do like him. I wonder what Daddy have to say about that."

Janine smiled at her, "Don't worry. Your father knows that you're growing up, he shouldn't be too overprotective of you."

Ray and the guys skated over to where Elaine, Janine and Jules were.

Winston noticed the smile on Jules' face, "Hey Jules, we also saw you getting that kiss from Charlie. So have you gotten a little boyfriend?” He winked at her.

Jules blushed again, "No, not yet. But I hope soon."

Ray looked at her sadly, "I think you're growing up too fast on me."

Jules smiled and gave her father a kiss, "Don't worry, Daddy. I'll always be your little girl."

Ray smiled and hugged his daughter, "I know, pumpkin." he said.

"You're blossoming into a young lady, where does the time go?"

The group decided to take a break from skating for a while, and went in the game room. Jules, after telling good-bye to her parents, headed back to her friends.

In the game room, the guys were playing a couple of games while Janine managed to get Egon in the photo booth. Peter was at the prize booth window flirting with one of the female workers, who was tall and blonde.

"Hey, how about we leave this dump and go somewhere more romantic?"

"Why don't you just go away before my boyfriend finds out." she replied.

Peter walked away, "Oh well, maybe next time."

Ray and Elaine were counting up their tickets so they can trade them in for prizes. They were all having a great time.

Elaine smiled while wiggling her finger towards Ray, "Come on Ray, let's go in the photo booth." Ray also smiled, "Sure Elaine, let's go." he said, as they walked over to the booth and stepped inside.

At the game room, everyone was having a lovely time; even the kids came in and played some games for a while. Winston and Peter were playing the skeet ball game trying to win some more tickets as they already had a lot to trade in for prizes, While Egon and Janine were skating around, just talking. Soon, they were getting hungry so they went to the snack bar to get something to eat.

CJ and Jules were playing the whack a mole game. Jules beaten CJ by a couple of points, "Hey no fair, you cheated." CJ said.

"No, I didn't, CJ. You're just jealous because I'm better than you at this."

They continued playing until the game was over, and they both won tickets. Ray and Elaine had came out of the photo booth, they both were laughing and their hair was a little wild and Ray had a couple of lipstick prints on his face. "Oh look Elaine, they have the skeet ball game. I've got to play that and they also have the whack a mole game as well. Come on, let's play them."

Elaine laughed again, "Sure."

"Hey! The photo booth is for taking pictures, not kissing. Leave it at home."
Peter said.

"Oh hush, Peter." Ray said as he stuck out his tongue. Then he went to play skeet ball with Elaine. Peter returned the gesture as he went somewhere else to play a game. They were in the game room for a while and they all traded their tickets for prizes.

Then the DJ started to play some slow tunes and everyone decided to go back out into the rink, Charlie came back over to Jules and took her hand again as they skated around again smiling at each other. The guys all had partners for the slow tune skating and even Peter managed to find a girl that had red hair and was tall to skate with him.

The others were also skating slowly to the slow tunes. Egon and Janine had decided that they had enough skating for one night, so they headed off the rink. Once off, they put their shoes on and just watched the others.

"Wasn't this party great?" Janine asked Egon.

Egon nodded, "Yes, indeed it was. I never knew that you could skate that well, Janine."

Janine blushed and smiled, "Thank you, Egon." They continued to watch everyone else.

CJ and his friends were watching Jules having a great time skating with her friends.

"Hey, it looks like Jules is really enjoying herself. She's even holding hands with Charlie." Ronnie said as they continued to watch her and Charlie skate.

CJ nodded his head and replied, "That's true. I really think that she likes him. I know what Dad would say about her having a boyfriend this early."

Jason and Ronnie both nodded in agreement. They both had sisters and knew how fathers could be.

Meanwhile, Peter and Winston were enjoying themselves with their lady partners that they had invited to skate with them. Ray and Elaine had just got back on the rink after eating some food. Elaine almost slipped on the floor; but before she fell, Ray grabbed her.

"Are you okay, Elaine?"

"Yes. Thanks to my hero."

Ray's face turned a bright shade of red as Elaine reached over and kissed him.

Jules was saying good-bye to Nicole who was going home. Then she and Charlie were skating again.

Ray shook his head and said, "You know Elaine? I think I'm going to keep a eye on Jules a little longer, she's growing up too fast for us."

Elaine nodded, "I know Ray, she's just growing up. CJ is too. You've got to lighten up. It was her first kiss. Please promise me that you won't spy on her. She's got a good head on her shoulders."

Ray pulled Elaine to his side. "Yes, I know she is. After all, look who her parents are."

Elaine nodded as they saw Charlie give her another kiss.



"Your parents are watching us again."

"I know. Don't worry Charlie, they like you."

"Then why is your father giving me that look?"

Jules looks over and see her father half smiling and half grinning. "Oh, that's just mean that he likes you a lot."

"I hate to see what he looks like when he doesn't like someone." Charlie said.

"Never mind. Just kiss me again."

Charlie smiled as he took her in his arms and kissed her again. Then he handed Jules a gift-wrapped in pink paper. "Here Jules, I won this for you. The clerk wrapped it for me." he said.

Jules took it. She opened it carefully and saw that it was a stuffed heart that said I'm crazy about you.

Jules laughed, "This is so cute. Thank you, Charlie." She gave him a kiss that had left a red lip-gloss print and made him blush.

Everyone who had seen this had started oohing loudly, Jules and Charlie ignored them. Instead Charlie smiled, and then said, "You're welcome."

Then it was 11:00 pm. The party was almost over, so everyone decided to head off the floor to get ready to go home. Everyone headed out the place talking about how much fun they had.

"Wasn't the party great?" Peter asked. He had an enjoyable time as he had gotten the lady who he was skating with her phone number.

Everyone nodded in agreement. Elaine smiled, "Yes, that was wonderful. I really had a lovely time and I had a great skater with me. Right, Ray?" she asked, while batting her eyelashes at her husband.

Ray felt himself blushing again, "Oh yes. It was enjoyable."

He smiled as he pulled his wife closer to his side and planted a kiss on her cheek, holding her hand.

Then he turned to his kids, "Did you guys have fun?"

CJ and Jules both nodded.

"It was awesome, that was the best party ever!" CJ confirmed. “I see that you really enjoyed yourself, Jules. I also saw you kissing Charlie as well." he grinned at his sister, giving her a wink.

Jules smiled and blushed, "It was excellent. Yes, I'm still thinking about that kiss Charlie gave me." She smiled again as she was looking at the stuffed heart Charlie had won for her.

Janine and Elaine both smiled at her, "That is really cute, Jules. I think he really cares about you." Janine said.

Elaine also agreed, "Yeah he does, that was so sweet of him." She replied to her daughter.

"But remember Jules, you're only 11. You can be friends with Charlie, but no going steady till you're 16."

"I know." Jules said.

They all said good-bye. Then they went their separate ways. The guys went back to the firehouse, while Ray and his family went home. It has been a wonderful evening and they would do this again real soon.

The End

I'll get you next time, Gadget! Next Time!- Dr. Claw, Inspector Gadget ending credits

We never would've lost if you koopaling clowns had tried to wake me up! Whose idea was this midnight attack?!- King Koopa, True Colors

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